Friday, October 03, 2014

They won't get mentioned very often in other media...

Here are four Texas Greens on your ballot next month -- or on your ballot that you've received in the mailbox already: Kenneth Kendrick (Texas Agriculture Commissioner), Deb Shafto (Texas Comptroller), David Collins (Harris County Judge), and Martina Salinas (Texas Railroad Commissioner). Video is courtesy of Greenwatch TV, a local public access program airing weekly in Houston and surrounding areas.

Four Green Party of Texas Candidates (GWTV, 2014/10/01) from Art Browning on Vimeo.

Your chance to meet Kendrick and Salinas -- if you live in or near Houston -- is this weekend; they will appear together at a joint campaign fundraiser.  Details are here.


Gadfly said...

Mr. Harrison needs to not sound like a goober and learn not to pronounce the "p" in Comptroller, especially if he's a political analyst or whatever.

PDiddie said...

I have given up on correcting people about that. EVERBODY mispronounces it. Mike Collier, Glenn Hegar, Rick Perry, David Dewhurst...

I've got at least three posts here about that. Worn out.