Sunday, October 20, 2024

Not Too Clever Funnies

Beginning today closer to home, and as voting approaches kickoff tomorrow: the latest polling reveals Trump will carry Tayhahs comfortably (no surprise), Ted Cruz will also (only a surprise to wishful Donkeys) and Harris County will hold blue as well.

The University of Texas Longhorns were #1 in the nation, but either Cruz or Matthew McConaughey -- or was it the refs? -- jinxed it for 'em last night against the Georgia Bulldogs. Blame notwithstanding, Bevo still attracts the same amount of flies.
If Dementia Don pulls off the White House win, the Republifascists will be faced with the same concerns that the Democraps had earlier in the year.
Then again ... there's a few reasons why Kamala can't put this guy away (that don't have anything to do with him. Or Jill Stein.)
Indeed we do.
No matter which of these losers prevail, the rest of us are schlonged. We won't be hit as hard as one can get hit -- that's reserved for Palestinians -- but no matter whom, the next four years are going to be so far worse than the shitshow we've endured for the past eight ... you will not be able to measure it with modern technology.

The cartoonists, as with virtually all Western corporate media, continue to studiously ignore the pogrom in the room.
Okay, these were supposed to be 'Funnies'.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Mockery of Democracy Funnies

"It would be a pity to believe that defeating Donald Trump goes far enough to defend democracy."
-- Ted Rall
The toon below neatly summarizes the anxious dilemma some "progressives" are going through now that the DNC and assorted henchpeople (beginning with AOC, continuing with Angela Rye, and this past week Mehdi Hassan, Thom Hartmann, and culminating with Jaime Harrison himself) are elevating in order to NOT have to declare Israel an apartheid state or to cease funding the genocide of Palestinians and now Lebanese.
This is different than trotting out the Drone Assassin in Chief Barack Obama to scold Black men and mock their masculinity about their lack of enthusiasm for voting for Kamala. That 'Joy' vibe appears to have completely run its course and I suppose they realize all they have is Fear.

I would have liked this next toon better had the artist, Emad Hajjaj, included a seventh candle holder in the fish's tail to symbolize a menorah and the appalling chutzpah of the Israeli government's relentless Holocaust recreation during the High Holy Days. Grace to him for not inciting the psychopathic Zionists any further.
Yes, Trump is a fascist but nobody voting for him seems to be bothered about it. The billionaires propping him up certainly don't.

So yes, our duopoly has reduced us to this. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you're not ready to give up on change at the ballot box, you have some options.

But time is running out.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

No Facts Checked Funnies

If they're facts then they don't need to be checked.

As Duopoly Indigestion 2024 draws closer -- voting by mail has already begun in some states -- the few things you can count on every single day are that Trump will tell lies, Vance will embellish those lies, their media sycophants will repeat the lies and exaggerations as facts ...

... and the Democrats and their media lickspittles will be shockedIsay about it. Meanwhile Kamala will dodge the press as much as she can, say as little as possible when she can't, and Walz will mimic her every move and non-utterance.

Boring AF performative BS on a loop.

I'm not voting for any Republican, particularly not one with a D beside their name (that includes Colin All Red).
But I can't help but think that if Harris loses, it will be because she chased after the Liz Cheney/Adam Kinzinger Republicans and ignored the voters most put off by the Cheneys and W Bush neocons lining up behind her. The people responsible for US policy in the Middle East for the past 20+ years.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Not Getting It Funnies

Why we're not voting for it.

It has something to do with lesser evils.
When even Mike Ramirez can figure it out ... Democrats might just be ignoring it.

Maybe we should try another tack. A different angle.
'Immigrants are stealing jobs AND welfare benefits', you say? I think Kamala just got back from the border saying she's going to fix that problem, so blaming the GOP for being hateful nativists could be overlooking those conservative allies of yours voting blue this cycle.
Its 20th anniversary was in July, and still nobody remembers "A Day Without a Mexican"? The economics of immigrants -- cheap labor -- doesn't seem to be registering in the corporate media either, to say nothing of the duopoly, when the choices are presented as between fascism and a second term of Nothing Will Fundamentally Change.

So with the absence of anything resembling serious policy discussion from the red or blue wings of the Uniparty, we get a constant stream of culture crap. And 'Joy'.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Monsters Ball Funnies

I kinda thought making fun of the pets on the Ohio menu last week was going to be a short-term joke, like most of what tumbles out of the mouth of JD Vance and Donald Trump. I was mistaken.
Every single day that Godwin dude's Law just bursts into flames again. This week it was Henry Payne of -- but not posted at -- the Detroit News who dug a long thin hole and buried the bar in it.
Here's the latest. Certain Congress critters -- introducing Rep. Harriet Hageman of Wyoming, who ousted Lynn Cheney from Congress two years ago -- were among the sociopaths not acquitting themselves as human beings.

And speaking of psychos, Diddy also had -- is having -- a bad week (NSFW).

Prolly gonna hafta change my nick after all these years of drafting off that guy. Not just Sean John Combs with the sexual perversions being exposed, either.

Also should point out that Kamala didn't have the best week herself.

Save the orcas, hug a tree, stop the wars, either tax the billionaires or barbecue them, and FFS don't let them silence the cartoonists.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Not-Too-Early Electoral College Observation

Not a forecast; it IS too early for that. Not a prediction, either.

Here's 270 To Win's map, something we'll all be playing with as the time draws nigh (and please note that its snapshot reflects the date of this post, so click over and see if it's changed if you're reading this after today). This one isn't interactive.

Note the states in grey considered toss-ups: North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada, from R to L, Eastern to Western time zones.

Play with this next map to your satisfaction (it should be interactive). I present my scenario and explanatory rationale below.

So if I were forecasting or predicting it would go something like this ...

I believe that the share of the third party vote in PA, GA, and MI -- between Jill Stein, Claudia de la Cruz, Cornel West, Joseph Kishore, Jasmine Sherman, Chase Oliver, Randall Terry and a few others -- will be just enough to tip the scales to Trump in those states. No, it's not siphoning; votes are not zero-sum because votes are earned. The primary factor in MI will be the Muslim American vote which appears to be breaking for Stein. From what I'm reading I think Harris' ground effort in NC wins there. Walz nets WI for the Blues.

That leaves 17 electoral votes -- AZ and NV -- needed to give Kamala 269, which throws the presidency into the House. Where Trump is chosen.

So if you're suddenly feeling dyspeptic ... I understand. Anxiety can be reduced by taking action. 'Action' is not defined as "attacking Jill Stein and the Green Party on Twitter".

If I or the polling used to arrive at the consensus forecast employed by 270 To Win are wrong -- or if circumstances alter the future -- you still have the ability to influence the outcome by a variety of effective methods of your choosing. Again, the least effective way would be posting multiple hashtags on social media.

Best of luck to your team. Enjoy your weekend. I'll have toons on Sunday mocking the duopoly, the political system, our appalling times, and some other social commentary.

Like always. It's what I do here.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday 'Animal Farm' Funnies

Mostly domesticated, some feral.

"JD Vance ate my dog; Elon Musk ate my cat. Will Trump or Harris address this important issue?" I'm guessing 'sooner than they'll be addressing school shootings'.
I wasn't finished with the pets yet (yes, cows are).
So I thought that the debate had a little of everything weird beyond kitties and puppies on Hannibal Lecter's menu: illegal migrants receiving transgender healthcare in prison, who hated Israel the most, Kamala exposed as a Marxist (boy, do I wish) and my personal favorite, "concepts of a plan".

Donald would have instantly fired any apprentice for saying that to him. KHive and company have every right to feel joyful in the wake of that debacle. But it may have been Taylor Swift that won the post-debate spin.

With all this social media AI chaos, who needs Russian meddling? Oh yeah, maybe Kamala.

The vice president may have an electoral college problem in some swing states with the Muslim American/anti-genocide vote. It's interesting that both AOC and Keith Ellison were employed as attack dogs recently to tag-team Jill Stein. Black American podcaster Angela Rye also took her swings. Using the 'all publicity is good' analogy, the fact that the topics trended all week long introduced a lot of people to the Green Party. Something to monitor.

But the constant focus by corporate media on the uniparty options, its attendant performative displays, and the sideshow issues of no substance -- national head-to-head polling, funds raised, all the assorted he said/she said bullshit -- suggests this awful state of affairs seems to be only the 2024 cycle's last toxicity endurance contest. Thank Jeebus more of us are wising up and opting out.

This country's gone to the dogs. Can we go back to the zoo?

Sunday, September 08, 2024

"Cheney Democrats" (not so) Funnies

The Democratic Party of 2024 is the Republican Party of 2000.

It's fitting that Deep-In-The-Hearta is at the center of this revelation, because it began with W Bush and Rick Perry, coinciding with the rise of the blue blogosphere ... and that cottage industry's descent into irrelevance. Just like Texas Democrats.

When is the "War Criminals for Harris" Zoom?
Team Joynicide is quite obviously not the only wing of the Uniparty oblivious to the glaring inadequacies of their standard-bearer.

Lisa Benson, a nominal Republican, keeps nailing it.
Yeah, the Democratic Party -- the one that didn't acknowledge holding a primary for their desiccated incumbent, then switched him out at the last minute, and is still suing Jill Stein and Cornel West off various state ballots -- is going to "save democracy". Because Kamala didn't get a bounce from that joyful convention and is still tied with Trump.
Election 2024 isn't like 1968 or 2016. It hasn't come full circle or done a 180. It's gone through Alice in Wonderland's looking glass into Bizarro World.

But some other bad shit happened last week too.

Wrapping up this week's misery with a reminder that your choices for president include more and are better than Red MAGA or Blue MAGA.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

"You People are all Weird" Funnies

I wanted brainworm cartoons, I got whale heads.

Trump is squandering his comeback chances. Not that anybody who holds a low opinion of Trump cares, but his campaign implosion makes Kamala even more cautious. The only good news I can divine from this development is that a less close two-horse race slightly favors the third party candidates, as they can be blamed less using the odious 'spoiler' slander. The only twist in this regard has been Cornel West's effort to chase after Bobby Jr.'s anti-vax caucus.

West was added as a qualified write-in presidential candidate to the Lone Star ballot this past week, joining PSL's Claudia de la Cruz (and others). Those are two significant anti-duopoly options for Texans who also happen to be Green- and Libertarian-hostile.

For those with their red and blue blinders tightly attached, the only mystery remaining is how low the Democratic ticket will go for non-MAGA GOP votes.

You people are all weird (in your own way, and I love you).

Not you Zionists, though, and not you climate denialists. And certainly not you bastards profiting off either one.