Rick Noriega, United States Senate. On March 4, Texas Democrats have a clear choice for their nominee for U.S. Senate: Rick Noriega. Noriega has the experience necessary to defeat Bush lapdog John Cornyn in the fall. Faced with three token primary opponents, only one of whom is running what could be considered a legitimate campaign. Noriega is the clear choice not because he is right on important issues such as the war and CHIP, but because he is a true progressive with a proven record of accomplishment for the people of Texas.
Joe Jaworski, State Senate, District 11. Joe Jaworski (D-Galveston), a former Galveston City councilman, has taken a very strong stance on environmental issues, especially important in SD-11 and statewide. Jaworski faces token primary opposition and will likely face Sen. Mike Jackson (R-LaPorte) in the 2008 general election. Jackson has one of the worst environmental records of any legislator in the entire Texas Legislature and has failed for several sessions to make any meaningful legislative headway on issues important to his constituents.
Rep. Garnet Coleman, Texas House, District 147. Coleman (D-Houston) is, of course, one of the leading progressives in the Texas House, and has been at the forefront of important issues including the Children’s Health Insurance Program, women's reproductive freedom, and gay rights. A member of the House leadership, re-electing Coleman is key to ensuring that the 81st session of the Texas Legislature has a strong liberal voice. Coleman faces a marginal primary opponent whose ballot status has been denied.
Rep. Jessica Farrar, Texas House, District 148. Farrar (D-Houston) is another strong progressive voice in the Capitol. She was a leader in the 80th Legislature on issues including the HPV vaccine, stem cell research, and against Rick Perry’s arrogant Homeland Security power-grab. Farrar is one of a handful of Democrats who voted against Speaker Tom Craddick in 2005 and as a result was relegated to the Agriculture Committee (an insult for a veteran legislator in an urban district). She faces in the primary a former staffer from her office who is believed to be supported by anti-progressive forces in Austin. Farrar is one of our progressive stars and Texans across the state need her back in 2009.
Rep. Paul Moreno, Texas House, District 77. Moreno (D-El Paso) is the dean of the House and one its strongest advocates on civil rights issues. A seasoned veteran of many progressive struggles, Moreno faces an unknown opponent with no experience in government. Moreno deserves re-election, and Texas needs his continued leadership on civil rights and Democratic issues in the Texas Legislature.
Armando Walle, Texas House, District 140. Walle is seeking to defeat Rep. Kevin Bailey (D-Houston) in the Democratic primary, who has been ineffective for his district on progressive issues. Unseating him is a necessary step toward picking a new Speaker. Walle has worked for Congressional members Sheila Jackson Lee and Gene Green, and, we believe, will be a better voice for HD-140 than Bailey.
Brian Thompson, Texas House, District 46. Thompson also squares off in the primary against Rep. Dawnna Dukes (D-Austin), who has cast a number of votes against the interest of her constituents. A changing of the guard here is yet another step toward electing a new Speaker in 2009. Thompson, an attorney, has strong ties to the community and will be a much needed progressive voice in this Austin district.
To view the 2008 TexRoots slate, or to make an online contribution, please visit the ActBlue TexRoots page.
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