Wednesday, June 10, 2020

TexProgBlog Wrangle, midweek edition

With a few updates and some new developments since Monday, here's the second post of the best blogs, tweets, and lefty news from around and about our Great State.

As the TPA feared, COVID 19 is making a comeback.

And while Greg Abbott would rather ignore the contagion's spread, others aren't.

Update: The city of Dallas' last council meeting broke down in a wave of insults and recriminations over recent allegations of police abuse of force, but CMs there voted today to put off a decision regarding a police department budget increase.  Houston's leaders, meanwhile, passed a raise despite serious disagreements.


The TexTrib also updated on the latest from Dallas, Austin, and Houston, which Grits for Breakfast had posted about earlier today.  San Antonio is still talking about what they might do.

The July runoff elections are moving into tighter focus.

Last night in Arlington, environmentalists scored a win.

The TPA's Sharon Wilson had the live-Tweeting.

Some good legal news on the protest front:

But some bad also; another officer-involved choke-out came to light, and the reality show "Live PD" may suffer the same fate as "Cops".

And PRIDE Month converges with coronavirus, with adversities for the trans community.

The Screwston Anti-Fascist Committee has some really cool T-shirts for sale.

And to fade out this Wrangle ... Traces of Texas.

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