Today is the opening of early voting in the SD-17 Texas Senate contest. If you live in Harris County (or in Fort Bend or Galveston or Brazoria or Jefferson counties, for that matter) find your early voting location here. Early voting will end this Friday -- no weekend EV -- so take care of business and get one more Democrat elected to the state legislature. Texas needs Chris Bell in the Senate.
And here's this week's edition of the Texas Progressive Alliance's weekly round-up, compiled by Vince from Capitol Annex.
The long-held assumption that Texas was safely red seems to be taking a few hits, notes Lightseeker at Texas Kaos, in Trouble in Red Paradise?
DosCentavos expands on comments from Latina Lista on the one tool that Latinos have failed to use to get ahead in politics, business, etc.
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme warns us that Republican agitators are on the loose making stuff up for their wedge 'em and hate 'em crusades. Are there enough Hispanics in top roles? What will happen for Rick Noriega and Juan Garcia?
According to jobsanger, the War on Christmas is alive and well. Another volley in the "War On Christmas has been fired, this time from the heartland of America, as an Iowa publisher is selling Christmas cards for atheists.
Off the Kuff takes a look at the Hill Research Consultants poll that says the Republican brand is eroding in Texas.
John Coby at Bay Area Houston says Speaker Tom Craddick can't have his cake and health care too, concerning how Craddick fought for health care for his adult well-to-do daughter while fighting to deny health insurance to poor kids.
McBlogger's latest rant on the state of traffic in Texas prompted this little bit of comeuppance from Mayor McSleaze.
Vince at Capitol Annex notes that Houston Mayor Bill White is expected to announce his plans in regard to 2010 this week.
BossKitty at TruthHugger is angry that the Texas Republican Party has favored BIG Business, including medical corporations who see ill people as dollar signs. Texas looks like it leads the pack in putting money above quality of life. Texas needs to reinstate the Hippocratic Oath and throw out the hypocritical oath it has been following. Read all about it in US Health Care Plunges, Texas Drops 9 Points.
Dembones at Eye On Williamson analyzes the recent poll that's causing a stir Texas GOP In Panic Over Recent Poll.
The kinder, gentler Kay Bailey Hutchison -- with a little help from her pal Karl Rove -- is trotting out for display. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs has the revoltin' development.
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