Friday, August 23, 2013

Still waiting for that shame to show up

Lisa Falkenberg at the HouChron on the disintegrating civility in the mayoral tilt.

Already, (Ben) Hall and (Annise) Parker are trading jabs about everything from personal income to the definition of a debate. I'm sure allegations of illegal campaign signs will be next, especially with prospective also-ran Eric Dick in the mix.

But I was most interested in asking Hall one question: What the heck are you doing?

Given that Parker is a relatively well-regarded incumbent who managed to avoid major scandal and any resounding cries of incompetence, why is Hall running? Why throw good money - mostly his own - after bad odds?

"In fact, the odds are that I'm going to win," Hall responded, making it clear that he also disagreed with my "ludicrous" assumption that Parker is generally doing a good job. He most often mentioned her "pension fund neglect" and "mismanagement of assets" in the budget, and her silence on the problems in Houston schools.

You guessed it: God is his co-pilot and political adviser.

As to his reasons for running for mayor, Hall explained that he wants to give voters a real choice. It was a decision he made several years ago, he said, but he had to pray for God's guidance in choosing the right time and to give his reluctant wife "a spirit of acceptance" about the idea.

"Several years ago", but apparently not two, when Roy Morales nearly forced the mayor into a runoff, and not four when Gene Locke did so. Hall seems to have the same problem with the words that come out of his mouth that Greg Abbott has with his Tweets; neither are thought all the way through. Here's the reveal...

When he visits "the barrios and the bayous and the neighborhoods," Hall said, "I don't see where she gets her votes. She made 50.04 percent against no significant competition last round. She's gotten no more popular over the last two years." (For the record, the Chronicle reported 50.08 percent.)

Hall believes part of the problem may be Parker's "strident" leadership style, a bit of which he's experienced during his few private encounters with her. The first time they met, at a University of Houston event, Hall said, the two shook hands and he recalls the mayor saying " 'It's nice meeting you. I'm going to whip your ass so bad that you'll never run for public office again.' " At which point, Hall said, "I immediately told my friend, 'My goodness, I now know what's wrong with the city.' "

Hall then described a later exchange after the Juneteenth Parade. After introducing himself again, Hall says Parker responded, "I'm glad you keep introducing yourself to me because I keep forgetting who you are."

Asked whether Hall's recollections of the exchanges were accurate, Parker spokeswoman Sue Davis said in a statement: "Ben Hall needs to man up. The mayor did not use those exact words and she certainly didn't curse. But it's not surprising that Mr. Hall's response to a confident woman leader is to call her names. Yesterday, Mr. Hall sent out a public statement calling the mayor a liar. What kind of leadership is that?"

Well somebody is certainly not telling the truth. The truth probably does not rest entirely with one account or the other, either.

"Strident" is actually one of the nicer words I would use to describe Madam Mayor. To say that a Dale Carnegie continuing education course would be well worth the investment is understating her case.There just aren't going to be any charm offensives launched out of City Hall in this cycle.

Sue Davis is one of the few consultants who is worth a damn in this city. She's also my neighbor (we live in the same precinct). So I want to say this as nicely as I can, because I like her and respect her: this is poor service to your client, Mayor Parker. Turn down the flames. Stop trying to demonstrate who's the bigger dick in the race. One Dick is one too many already.

Personal attacks are not addressing the legitimate challenges to Mayor Parker's record, aren't increasing voter interest in the election, will NOT boost your vote tally. There is a considerable body of evidence that this sort of thing reduces all those, and worse yet, it gives the appearance that Mayor Parker simply wants to run out the clock on the campaign. Stonewalling the debates to the bare minimum in number and in who gets to participate, discussion in 'forums' that focus on issues that aren't the most pressing (such as crime for example), and other stalling tactics do not serve the best interests of Houstonians.

The underlying assumption here, of course, that it is the intention of Mayor Parker's campaign to serve the citizens of Houston in a positive manner, so perhaps my premise is flawed. If the ad hominem continues, I'll have to revisit and revise it. Back to Falkenberg for the finish.

I have to say, the not-cursing claim was a great disappointment. It seemed kind of an Ann Richards-on-a-Harley thing to do. The "man up" response was even less inspiring.


When I asked how Hall believes he differs politically from Parker, a fellow Democrat, he said: "I think I am a futurist. I don't think she has that skill set. For me, elemental government is balancing the budget. That's elemental. For her it seems to be an accomplishment."

Hall does seem a formidable politician. In a conversation, he'll use your first name a lot. He's loyal to the script. His oscillation between insulting Parker and then pledging the "positive campaign" mantra could use a little grease. But he's a likable guy with an inspiring rags-to-riches story. His name, Ben Hall, conveniently rhymes with "for all." He's had a bit of trouble paying property taxes on time and he spent too much time living in Piney Point.

But I do believe he genuinely wants to make Houston a better place. And whether or not he wins, he's already made this a better race.

Ben Hall runs strange ads and is just too 'revival minister' for my taste. He's also being managed by Republicans, which ruins his credibility as a Democrat. But Falkenberg is correct; for all of the Hall campaign's unfocused dream-state qualities and inability to find an issue that resonates (hint: it ain't pensions, no matter what Bill King says) there remains a large window of opportunity that Parker and her team have left open to exploit. She is simply not a pleasant and decent enough person in word and deed for her management skills to overcome.

She's like that boss who brags about meeting every quarterly projection even as the workers in his department -- or her company -- tell you what an asshole that guy is. That act may still pay dividends in the corporate world, but if the voters reward similar behavior in the public sector, we'll only get more of it. And we have far too many assholes in both worlds as it is.

So on the theory that Ben Hall is the lesser asshole... he's winning.

There are other people running for mayor who aren't assholes at all, and they deserve consideration from an electorate that would be motivated by that quality. Their only chance to make that case, and for the voters to make that choice, is in the first round in November. So I hope they choose wisely.

In the meantime I'll keep waiting for Godot humility to make an appearance. Respect, empathy, and kindness are not weaknesses. Only Republicans think that.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dewhurst ends political career

One last self-inflicted wound.

Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst personally called police and asked to talk to the highest-ranking officer about getting a relative out of jail, Allen police said.

He also asked for the cellphone numbers of a judge and the Collin County sheriff, which a sergeant declined to give him.

The relative, Ellen Bevers, an Allen elementary school teacher, was jailed on charges of shoplifting at a Kroger’s grocery store on Aug. 3, police said.

Police released an audio recording of the phone call late Wednesday after a request from NBC DFW under the Texas open records law.

Go to the link above and listen for yourself.

"What I would like to do, if you would explain it to me, sergeant, what I need to do is to arrange for getting her out of jail this evening and you can proceed with whatever you think is proper," Dewhurst said on the call.

In the call, Dewhurst described Bevers as his sister-in-law but police said the woman was married to Dewhurst's nephew. In a short statement later Wednesday, Dewhurst referred to her as his niece.


Dewhurst said he had known Bevers for 30 years and described her as "the sweetest woman in the world."

He's known her for 30 years, but he's still confused about how he's related to her (by marriage). You would think he could've at least gotten that straight before he placed the call.

Naturally, Dan Patrick pounced.

"The fact that David Dewhurst believes he and his family are above the law is the height of arrogance and recklessness," Patrick said. "This blatant abuse of power would be stunning coming from any elected official.  However, it is particularly disturbing coming from the Lieutenant Governor of Texas.”

Yes, even a blind state senator/talk radio host can find an acorn once in awhile.

I was fairly confident that with the three right-wing freaks running against him in the primary, Dew could still find enough of the so-called moderates to lift him into the runoff. Not any longer.

Place your bets on Dan "Pussycats" Patrick versus Jerry "Gunhole" Patterson, ladies and gentlemen, because Todd Staples' Tweets, though entertaining, aren't going to be enough to get him any higher than third.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rick Perry negotiates to accept some Obamacare funding for seniors, disabled

(The Texas governor), an ardent opponent of the Affordable Care Act, is in talks with Obama administration officials to accept an estimated $100 million in care for the elderly and disabled through Obamacare, Politico reported Tuesday night.

Texas health officials are seeking to enroll in the so-called Community First Choice program available via the law's Medicaid expansion. Perry officially declined to enroll his state in the program, saying in April that expanding the program for the poor would make Texas “hostage” to the federal government.

From the Politico piece...

Perry health aides are negotiating with the Obama administration on the terms of an optional Obamacare program that would allow Texas to claim stepped-up Medicaid funding for the care of people with disabilities.

The so-called Community First Choice program aims to enhance the quality of services available to the disabled and elderly in their homes or communities. Similar approaches have had bipartisan support around the country. About 12,000 Texans are expected to benefit in the first year of the program.

"It's not Obamacare money! We are NOT hypocrites!"

“This is not entirely accurate,” (Perry spokesperson Josh) Havens said by email. “This has nothing to do with Obamacare. The state of Texas has been providing these types of services via Medicaid waiver for decades, and we are continuing to provide this service.”

My embarrassment in being represented by people so ridiculous is overcome by my desire to see the least among us assisted, no matter what pretzels of rationalization the governor has to twist himself into.

Just get it done, you morons.

Update: Snarkier from Egberto.

Cindy Hughes Zerwas 1955-2013

Cindy Zerwas, wife of state Rep. John Zerwas, of Simonton, died Tuesday of brain cancer.

"My wife Cindy passed away at home this morning, following a courageous fight against brain cancer," the Republican lawmaker from Fort Bend County said in a statement. "Cindy was surrounded by myself and our children and grandchildren at the time of her passing.

"My family and I would like to express our deep appreciation for the continued thoughts and prayers of our friends within the community, throughout Texas, and beyond."

A memorial service is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Saturday at First Colony Church of Christ, 2140 First Colony Boulevard in Sugar Land.

John Zerwas is one of the very few Republicans in the state legislature who understands the need to expand Medicaid to the poorest and least-insured in Texas. I met with his staffers in the spring and they made it obvious that they knew something needed to be done, but that the extremists in their party weren't going to allow it to happen.

Try to imagine losing a loved one to cancer AND being saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical debt that will never be paid off in your lifetime. (It's no better being bankrupted by co-pays and deductibles when you have insurance, either.)

I'm glad that Zerwas has empathy for those Texans of lesser means going through similar circumstances to what he has endured, and I hope others with less empathy can be persuaded by his valiant example.

Peace and strength to the Zerwas family at this time of loss.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

If his mother had a C-section, then he isn't natural born

And it doesn't matter whether his head hit the dirt in Canada, Cuba, the United States, or in outer space.  That ain't "natural".

The Dallas Morning News says that I may technically have dual citizenship,” Cruz, a freshman Republican from Texas, said in a statement. “Assuming that is true, then sure, I will renounce any Canadian citizenship. Nothing against Canada, but I’m an American by birth and as a U.S. Senator, I believe I should be only an American.”

And if he doesn't renounce Satan, then it don't matter what the "boarders" of the country were.

(I'm finally understanding why this birther BS is so much fun.)

Calgary Carnival Poop Cruz, real name Teodoro Rafael Osama Adolf Fidel Jose Tom, has some 'splainin' to do. We better get Donald Trump and Orly Taitz on the case.

And I want to see his college transcripts, too.

Update: Nice try, Rafael Edward.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance is also wondering... it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff is there with the early news that Sen. Wendy Davis is leaning toward the governor's race next year.

Despairing about the sorry state of Houston's mayoral contest, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs seems to be suggesting a vote for Nobody. But not if Nobody is a Dick.

Horwitz at Texpatriate notes that paybacks are hell as a special prosecutor is appointed against Rick Perry to investigate coercion and abuse of office complaints.

Rick Perlstein reminds us that the right wing is playing the long con. WCNews at Eye on Williamson has the details in There is nothing new under the wingnut sun.

Neil at All People Have Value wrote that he is donating 25 cents to Amnesty International for every negative attack e-mail he gets from the Ben Hall and Annise Parker campaigns for mayor of Houston. Neil, who previously wrote Texas Liberal, now has the website All People Have Value can be found at

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme sees Rick Perry hurting Texas children once again. Perry wants to privatize public education.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Better Texas examines the effects of the 2011 budget cuts to family planning.

Greg Wythe looks at the national backlash against standardized testing.

New Media Texas breaks out the wrestling analogies for the Houston mayor's race.

The TSTA Blog discusses the changes made to the process for approving charter schools.

Texas Vox points out the double standards in Texas' water laws.

Texas Water Solutions analyzes the Legislature's plans for water infrastructure.

Grits for Breakfast reports on another Texas official making taxpayers fund an extravagant security detail for himself.

Letters From Texas eagerly awaits the prospect of Rush Limbaugh moderating a GOP presidential debate.

BOR reports on racial disparities in drug arrests in East Texas.

Concerned Citizens condemns the homophobic remarks made by a San Antonio city council member and some of her staff while discussing that city's proposed non-discrimination ordinance.

Egberto Willies interviewed 2012 Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein, but remains skeptical of third parties' influence on the American political system.

TXSharon at BlueDaze notes that a Texas Railroad Commission employee who blew the whistle on his supervisor was fired and now he's suing the state.

Lastly, attorney Paul Kennedy reviews Rise of the Warrior Cop, a new book about the militarization of America's police forces.

Wheelchair Ken

Turnabout is fair play, amirite?

If things were really going to get evened up, however, "Crippled Ken" would be the hashtag. And Senator Davis should not be thanking me for my support, either. (I'm positive she's smart enough not to do that.)

Let's not get bunched up over who's being more insensitive or politically incorrect either, shall we?

Among other things, Barbie taught compassion to my friends and me. When our dolls' bendable knee joints gave out, they were not thrown away but treated as physically challenged Barbies, whereupon we made make-shift wheelchairs for them. When Ken's arm was chewed off by the dog, we tried to convince our Barbies they should see beyond his disability.

Look what I found on e-Bay.

So -- again -- this isn't my creation. This isn't the invention of a sick mind. This is historical fact: Barbie had a friend in a wheelchair but not a blind one; certainly no mention of one that had a mental disability or with obvious opinions on women's reproductive freedoms (despite what you may infer).

That's obviously a contrivance intended to belittle.

Greg Abbott's got a real problem on his hands to start the week, and I don't think he can safely ignore it. It looks as if he has pushed himself right out of the frying pan and into the fire, and he may need a couple of his right-wing pals to get ahold of his chair and pull him out. He absolutely possesses the requisite conservative hypocrisy immunity gene, but even he is smart enough to see that this road he is rolling down is a less-traveled one for a reason.

It's not like he's the second coming of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, after all.

Update: This is not sufficient. Abbott must renounce the slur... or else continue to own it.

Update II: I learned a new word today.