Wednesday, January 06, 2010

More on Dave Wilson and other GOP ballot chicanery

Chris Moran at the Chron:

Conservative anti-gay activist Dave Wilson will be on the March 2 primary ballot for Harris County Precinct 4 commissioner as a Democrat.

Wilson — who once hosted a fund-raiser for Republican incumbent Jerry Eversole — believes Eversole will resign his seat as a result of a corruption investigation by the FBI, and he wants voters, not the county Republican Party or county judge, to pick his successor.

County election records indicate that Wilson, 63, has voted in eight GOP primary and runoff elections since 1995, but never in a Democratic election.

Dude actually sent a ringer to sign in and file for him. Since most candidates -- such as myself -- fill out the form and have it notarized at party headquarters, Wilson would have had to prepare and notarize his form elsewhere and have his impersonator provide it.

Harris County Democratic Party Gerry Birnberg accused Wilson and the Republican Party of fraud. Not only is Wilson not a Democrat, Birnberg said, but the candidate sent a representative who signed in as Wilson and allowed himself to be introduced as Wilson to a roomful of applauding Democrats.

Birnberg said he did not realize when Wilson's representative filed his candidacy papers that it was the same Wilson who sent out 35,000 fliers in November opposing Annise Parker for mayor, in part, because of her sexual orientation.

“We would have recruited a placeholder so we could keep this charlatan out of the race,” Birnberg said.

He said local Republicans should be ashamed to “stoop to such fraudulent chicanery.”

Harris County Republican Party Chairman Jared Woodfill said, “We had absolutely nothing to do with it.”

But that's not what Wilson says, Jared, so one of you is lying.

Wilson said he did not decide until minutes before Monday's 6 p.m. filing deadline which primary to enter. He reported to the Republican headquarters, where he found Koenning and former City Council member Toni Lawrence, both of whom said last year they would run for the seat if Eversole retired.

If Lawrence or Koenning had filed in the Republican primary, Wilson said, he would have joined the race to prevent a scenario in which Eversole resigned to move aside for Koenning or Lawrence.

Meanwhile, Wilson dispatched his treasurer to Democratic Party headquarters. Just minutes before the deadline, after determining that no one else was filing as a Republican, Wilson instructed his treasurer to enter him in the Democratic primary.

So this isn't the only louse on the ballot -- and I don't refer just to the legal, Republican ones either.

Birnberg said he also asked two state agencies whether he could prevent lawyer Lloyd Oliver from running as a Democratic candidate for judge. Oliver is under indictment for illegal solicitation of clients by a lawyer. He is running for judge of Harris County Criminal Court No. 3, the bench vacated by Republican Judge Don Jackson, who was convicted last month of a misdemeanor charge of official oppression. Lawyer Judith Snively also has filed for the Democratic nomination.

Having been informed by the secretary of state's office and the Commission on Judicial Conduct that the indictment did not disqualify Oliver's candidacy, Birnberg said he will seek a resolution from the county party's executive committee authorizing him to inform voters of Oliver's “criminal circumstances.”

That meeting is Thursday evening, and I'll be in attendance.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Underpants of mass destruction

The seemingly organic self-generating terror of, by, and for the Republican Party only pauses momentarily when they need to wail about "Obamunism".

Have you ever seen a bigger bunch of pants-crapping cowards in your life?

Candidate filing odds and ends

-- Star Locke, who ran in the Repulican primary against Rick Perry four years ago, is running in the Democratic primary this year. For governor. As Texas Cloverleaf notes ...

I would direct you to his website, but my antivirus software says it has a trojan. So, bad move. But you may remember Star as one of the also rans against Rick Perry in the 2006 GOP primary. Among Star's fun ideas is taxing abortion clinics and soda. If he can't stick you for killing a fetus, well he will get ya for drinking that Coke!

-- Dave Wilson, the nasty homophobe last heard from during the Houston mayoral campaign, has turned coat and filed to run against ethics-tarred Jerry Eversole for Harris County commissioner. Update: Muse's note declaring it was not this Dave Wilson is no longer posted, and many other sources confirm that it is that Dave Wilson.

-- 1st Court of Appeals Justice Jim Sharp and Bill Moody, the Democrats' top vote-getter in 2006, both filed for separate places on the Texas Supreme Court.  They're two of the good guys.

-- Wayne Slater says that the Metroplex is ground zero for Democratic efforts to reclaim the Texas House:

The Democrats recruited Jamie Dorris against Rep. Joe Driver, R-Garland; and Dallas businessman John Wellik, an executive at United Surgical Partners Inc., against Rep. Will Hartnett, R-Dallas.

Dallas County GOP Chairman Jonathan Neerman countered by pitting retired Marine Capt. Kenneth Sheets against Rep. Allen Vaught, D-Dallas; and businessman Rodney Anderson against Rep. Kirk England, D-Grand Prairie.

In November, there will be eight contested House races in Dallas County. Other targeted incumbents include Democrats Carol Kent and Robert Miklos, and Republicans Linda Harper-Brown and Dan Branch. Throw in the contested Democratic gains in Tarrant County (seats now held by Chris Turner and Paula Pierson), and the DFW area becomes home to by far the most high-profile House races of any region.

Aman Batheja at Poli-Tex is less impressed with the number of Democratic challengers on the Tarrant County ballot.

-- Kuffner, as always, has more and better.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Ellen Cohen's opponent

... talks like a TeaBagger:

“The last year has shown us that the incumbent representative’s party is on a spending spree unprecedented in American history.” (West University attorney Sarah) Davis said. “Her party is trying to gain control of the Texas House. We must not let that happen.”

I'm sure Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are her idols.There's a lot more out of focus than just her photograph (at the link).

Update (because I wanted to add this): No mention of "the incumbent representative"'s record or what Davis would do if elected, no mention of the HD 134 electorate or how she might offer something different, just a generalized Beck-styled rant at Washington (read: Obama) and a "stop the liberal infidels" call to arms. Bill White notes:

“I don't think this race is going to be about one party or who said what to whom in Washington. It's going to be about where we want to go with public education, cutting the dropout rate, reducing barriers to higher education, plans for long-term mobility funding for our state, insurance rates that have skyrocketed along with our utility bills.”

Some postpourri, happy and sad

-- This morning the mayor of the fourth largest US city formally took office. Charles, John, Martha and Neil were all in attendance. Wish I could have been there for the history.

-- Kelly Fero passed away suddenly today. He had consulted many Democratic candidates; John Sharp, Tony Sanchez, Jim Mattox and others. In recent years however he was mostly one of the go-to people when the corporate media needed a quote about some Democratic political development. Ross Ramsey at the Texas Tribune has more.

-- RG Ratcliffe has listed the statewides (including the Republicans) so I don't have to update this.

-- Hector Uribe and Jerry Patterson are already exchanging pleasantries. After Uribe filed to challenge the incumbent Land Commissioner, Patterson responded:

"Hector's a friend and fellow actor. We were both in the recent movie ‘The Alamo’, filmed near Austin, albeit on different sides in the conflict (actually Hector had a real part, I was just an extra). When Hector surrendered at San Jacinto, I should have shot him when I had the chance... "

As an afterthought he added, "I hope folks understand then we were just acting, now it's a real war."

And then Uribe rejoined:

"Jerry is a friend and quite a good actor. I was happy that he and I escaped the fantasy battles without a bruise. However, I am concerned that he seems to be reliving his part. I’m his opponent not his enemy, and he can put his gun away.

When he was reported as saying that he was desperately looking for an opponent I took pity on him and finally decided to make his day. Although I suspect I’m not quite the E-Harmony candy-date that he was dreaming of.

I’m sorry I can’t accept his proposal that we go on a stroll along our eroding beaches on some smog obscured moonlit night to discuss public policy. I think those talks ought to be held at a series of public, televised and internet forums.

Texans, Jerry and I will be the better for it.