Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Fauxtrage and additional postpourri

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-- Kanye West blurted out something stupid and obnoxious, apologized repeatedly, and appeared contrite in a TV appearance. In comparison, Joe Wilson did the same, apologized once to the president but refused to do so to his colleagues, was subsequently rebuked by them, and is hailed as a "hero" by the freak right wing. (Note the "Wilson-Palin 2012" most-recommended comment in the Chron link.)

Now which of these is the racist again? Honestly, maybe both them are, but thankfully there is still such a thing as atonement. For some.

-- And the 'quien es mas conservative' purge continues.

-- One of the DC Madam's best johns, Sen. David Vitter, finds himself "outraged" over the ACORN prostitution "scandal", but not so much that he could make the vote that cut off federal funding to the organization.

-- Michele Bachmann thinks Obama is going to ration the food supply. Really.

"President Obama said we can't eat as much food as we want and think the rest of the world will be okay about that, as if that matters to freedom-loving Americans," she said on the House floor this week. "Well, we just heard last week that the federal government now under the Obama administration is calling for a re-ordering of America's food supply. What is that going to mean? Now will the White House decide how many calories we consume or what types of food we consume?"

Steve Benen replies ...

Yes, Michele, that's exactly what it means. In fact, ACORN will now be responsible for preparing all foods in all households. President Obama will appoint a "dinner czar" to make sure you don't skip your vegetables. If you do, a "death panel" will decide whether you qualify for dessert.

How much more stupid can it get? Serious question.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Weekly Wrangle

With the start of the football season, the Texas Progressive Alliance invites you to read this week's roundup of blog highlights in the voice of John Facenda.

Last week, the Lone Start State got some much needed help from the feds when the EPA slapped down Governor Perry's global warming denier pick for our state's top environmental official. This week the EPA will have another opportunity to intervene in Texas when mayor Calvin Tillman releases an environmental study of air quality in Dish, TX that will contrast dramatically with industry findings. Keep watching Bluedaze: DRILLING REFORM FOR TEXAS as TXsharon brings you that news.

Bay Area Houston has some pics from the Yes we Klan! teabaggers on parade in DC.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes that editorial boards across the state are taking Rick Perry to task for running Texas like he owned it.

Mean Rachel asks "Since when do conservatives care about anyone dying?" in "Dare Devils: Governor Rick Perry and the Texas Death Panel."

Off the Kuff takes a look at a local race that found a hole in our state's Elections Code.

Justin at Asian American Action Fund Blog writes about the right wing's War on Diwali.

BossKitty at TruthHugger notices headlines this week that demonstrate America's decline in common sense or accountability. Even worse, there is no regard for consequences of thoughtless actions ... Sabotage Experts: US Coast Guard Exercise on 9/11, Congressman Baucus and Republicans.

Neil at Texas Liberal ran a video he shot in front a hurricane damaged fishing pier in Galveston in which he asked people to be flexible of mind. The video is 48 seconds long.

WCNews at Eye On Williamson on Sen. Steve Ogden (R-Bryan) making it official that he won't seek reelection, and what that means going forward in Ogden will not run for Senate in 2010.

McBlogger offers another post on wage growth. Not terribly exciting, but it is hella important to the future of democracy. So, you know, you might want to read it.

A couple of Kinky Katz could wind up at the top of the 2010 Texas Democratic ticket, according to PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

Kay Bailey Hutchison takes a head-in-the-hot-sand approach to climate change that will get Texas burned and drive tens of thousands of new jobs elsewhere. Learn more at Texas Vox.

Waiting for the fresh faux Outrage O'Day

After a spectacularly bad week by the GOP --outrageous behavior followed by a cacophony of screaming and shouting providing what amounts to the typical apology -- I just have to wonder: what can they do to top that?

The outburst was unexpected from a milquetoast Republican backbencher from South Carolina who had attracted little media attention. Now it has made him an overnight right-wing hero, inspiring “You lie!” bumper stickers and T-shirts.

Who's going to be this week's conservative nitwit rapidly exalted to hero status by Beck, et. al.? Or will it be reprises of the usual suspects; a pinch of Bachmann, a dash of Cheney, a skosh of O'Reilly?

You don't think it will have someone to do with "the racial" ... do you?

I’ve been loath to admit that the shrieking lunacy of the summer — the frantic efforts to paint our first black president as the Other, a foreigner, socialist, fascist, Marxist, racist, Commie, Nazi; a cad who would snuff old people; a snake who would indoctrinate kids — had much to do with race.

I tended to agree with some Obama advisers that Democratic presidents typically have provoked a frothing response from paranoids — from Father Coughlin against F.D.R. to Joe McCarthy against Truman to the John Birchers against J.F.K. and the vast right-wing conspiracy against Bill Clinton.

But Wilson’s shocking disrespect for the office of the president — no Democrat ever shouted “liar” at W. when he was hawking a fake case for war in Iraq — convinced me: Some people just can’t believe a black man is president and will never accept it.

Closer to home, what circumstance will the frantic, foaming mob of Chronically critical keyboard warriors -- taking a short break from FreeRepublic,, and online pornography to quickly post that Obama is a lyin' African -- seize upon this week? Can they take a break from their rants about Ill Eagles, ACORN, and "czars" to focus on something else?

I'm guessing probably Kanye West is the man of the day. You know, black male rapper being rude to white female country performer. Seems tailor-made.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Funnies

Kinky Katz

That would be the musician/author and the deli magnate who could lead the Texas Democratic ticket in 2010.

“I don't think he's a serious candidate,” said former state Democratic Chair Molly Beth Malcolm. “Filing deadline's not there yet. I'm hoping there's some other names.”

Political consultant Glenn Smith said (Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Marc) Katz is not the “ideal” candidate: “He's an affable guy who's got a good restaurant. But, as his mayoral bid demonstrated, he lacks a certain something on the stump.”

Katz said his 2003 bid for Austin mayor failed because “I didn't know what I was doing.”

Or perhaps the DeLay slayer works his way in.

Former Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle, who most recently got national attention for his prosecution of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, said Friday that he is "leaning toward" running for governor in the 2010 Democratic primary. Earle, 67, said he hadn’t set a timetable but will probably make a decision "sooner rather than later."

I still prefer the straight-talking cattleman from Whitehouse, personally. And I agree with jobsanger ...

Earle is not going to cut into Kinky Friedman's base -- they'll vote for Kinky no matter who else is running. He's also not going to cut into Tom Schieffer's base -- these conservatives will not support someone as liberal as Earle as long as there's a real conservative in the race. That means he'll be splitting the liberal/progressive vote with Hank Gilbert, and that means there will be less chance of a liberal/progressive candidate winning the primary.

At least things are getting interesting. I think the most important thing to note is that Kay Bailey's stated strategy of pulling Democrats into the Republican primary in March to vote for her is a failing one. She should now be thinking seriously of not running, because her success is increasingly based on the appeal to GOP primary voters of the two candidates running to the right of Rick Perry: Larry Kilgore and Debra Medina.

If that happens -- Kay staying put in the Senate, that is -- then the scrum among Bill White and John Sharp, as well as David Dewhurst and Roger Williams and Michael Williams and all the other ladies and gentemen is completely moot. Ted Cruz and Dan Branch and the millions they have raised for a run for attorney general, based entirely on the supposition that Greg Abbott moves up to replace Dewhurst as lite guv, have to sit tight ... or transfer to some other contest.

If Kay goes on and quits the Senate though, then the game's afoot. John Sharp says the special could be held within 37 days of her resignation, though I believe it will likely happen during the holiday season.

More popcorn, anyone?

Update: Lisa Hernandez of the Carreno Group has the "wise-Latina-consultant" perspective.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Eight years ago now

And the recollection is still a little raw. Let's continue to remember and mark the day, and not in that Glenn Beck distorted way, either.

Michael Moore goes after the pigs

Capitalism: a Love Story doesn't just go after the seamy side of the American economy, although that is captured neatly in the scenes of "condo vultures" feeding on Florida's housing bust, alongside the corporations (including Wal-Mart and Amegy Bank) which take out insurance policies on their employees and cash in big when they die young. These ghoulish derivatives go by the charming name of "dead peasants" insurance – which says it all, really.

But Moore has bigger targets in his sights: he is questioning whether the whole incentive structure, moral values and political economy of American capitalism is fit for human beings. Although this will not seem so radical in Europe, where most countries have had governments in the post-second world war era that at least called themselves socialist, or in most of the developing world, where socialist ideas have popular appeal, it's pretty much unprecedented for something that can reach a mass audience in the US.

But you don't have to be a revolutionary to appreciate this film. Indeed, it can be seen as a social democratic treatise, with Franklin Roosevelt's proposed "second bill of rights" – an "economic bill of rights" that included a job with a living wage, housing, medical care, and education – as its reform program. Roosevelt is shown proposing this now forgotten program back in 1944.

As in his previous films, Moore combines the grief and tragedy of the victims – people losing their homes and jobs – with hilarious comedy, cartoonish film clips from the 1950's, and sober testimony as needed. And there are victories, too – as when workers occupy their factory in Chicago to win the pay that they are owed.

As an economist who operates in the think-tank world, I have to appreciate this work. He gets the economic story right. How is it that Michael Moore's father could buy a house and raise a family on the income of one auto worker, and still have a pension for his retirement? And yet this is not possible in the vastly more productive economy of today? The answer is not complicated: ...


In defense of Joe Wilson: he called the president a liar, was correct, and paid a price

Oh, you were thinking of that other Joe Wilson? Fail.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Honestly, Joe Wilson was the best thing that happened last night.

Well, that and Eric Cant'or Twittering on his Blackberry, and Louie Gohmert holding up his signs, and the booing, hissing, laughter and general town-halling going on by the GOP during last night's joint session address. His Democratic opponent has raised nearly OVER $100,000 -- $40,000 in the first hour after Wilson screamed "lie" at the President.

Lord Charles Boustany
-- thrice sued for medical malpractice, a "death-panel" advocate and former Birther -- managed a less-than-tepid response. The best that can be said for him is that he wasn't foaming at the mouth as he delivered his remarks (unlike many of his colleagues).

This behavior does nothing but vindicate Van Jones's original opinion of the Republicans.

Immediate polling reaction is pretty favorable for health care reform. Oh well, August was good for the GOP ... while it lasted.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Pastrami King for Lt. Governor

*heavy sigh* This is what happens when you have a weak state party chairman ...

As proprietor of the venerable Katz's Deli and Bar on Austin's West Sixth Street, Marc Katz has prospered by dishing up Reuben sandwiches, hot pastrami, Kahuna Burgers and Yankee pot roast to a Texas clientele pehaps more accustomed to barbecue and Tex-Mex.

Now the 62-year-old self-anointed Pastrami King is cooking up plans for a big career change by seeking the number two post in state government. Katz said he is running as a Democrat for lieutenant governor, a post now held by Republican David Dewhurst. Dewhurst has been widely mentioned a possible appointee to replace U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Gov. Rick Perry's leading Republican challenger in the 2010 governor's race. Hutchison has said that she will resign the Senate later this fall.

Katz has previously run for Austin mayor, a contest in which he garnered about a hundred votes. You'd think there were more stoners eating his sandwiches at 3 a.m. on any given Sunday in Austin than that, but there you go.

Rachel brings it meaner

Monday, September 07, 2009

The irony is making me ill

The Labor Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes everyone has a happy Labor Day, and notes that it won't be any work at all to read this week's roundup of blog highlights.

ExxonMobil! Free Mrs. Burns!

Like TXsharon, Elizabeth Burns is a reluctant activist forced into action by the horrendous environmental abuses she witnesses on her own ranch. Her videos have exposed reckless drilling practices by Exxon Mobil that endanger human health and safety, harm wildlife and spoil air, soil and water. XOM has gagged Mrs. Burns claiming that she is revealing "trade secrets."

Neil at Texas Liberal made note of elections in Japan. These elections have moved Japan to the left and possibly changed Japanese politics for years to come.

Off the Kuff discusses the latest entrants into the Texas Governor's race.

Mayor McSleaze at McBlogger takes a look at the BARACKNOPHOBIA gripping a small minority of the people in some parts of Texas.

The Texas Cloverleaf announces its intention to not run for Governor.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders why SMU is still supporting a Bush policy institute. Isn't that like the Larry, Moe and Curly institute of higher learning?

Felix Alvarado's problems managing his checking account are a precursor of bigger troubles ahead for Texas Democrats in 2010, reports PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

Dembones at Eye On Williamson posts about the latest craziness from the crackpots in our country: More fake outrage from right wing astroturf.

Over at TexasKaos, Libby Shaw helps out understanding the latest right wing meltdown in The Right Wing Goes Ballistic Again . If their unhinged outrage leaves you scratching your head, check it out!

WhosPlayin readers divided their time between rallying for health insurance reform and standing up to the Lewisville ISD's silly decision to BLOCK the President's speech from its classrooms.