Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ames: where GOP campaigns go to die

How ironic is it that the Iowa Republican straw poll results are delayed by malfunctioning voting machines?

Behind the frivolity of (yesterday)'s Republican straw poll -- the banners, big tents, barbecue and rollicking music -- is a stark truth: This could be the last day as viable candidates for several of these men. For those who do poorly, this informal vote of a relative handful of hard-core Republican activists is likely to herald bad press, an end to fundraising and the death of their campaigns.

Farewell, Thompson-not-Hollywood:

Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson has admitted as much, telling his supporters that he will drop out of the race if he does not win here. At his modest tent, diehard fans said they felt the pressure.

"We came two and a half hours to come here on a blisteringly hot, sweaty day," said Craig Damerval, 44, an Iowa correctional officer from Winfield, in southeast Iowa. He said he knows about Thompson's pledge, but added that "I hope he's in the top three, anyway."

Alas, poor Duncan. We hardly knew ye:

By (today), the gimmicks may no longer be enough: The guy standing on stilts for California Rep. Duncan Hunter, because "he rises to the occasion." Or the red, white, blue and yellow hot air balloon for John Cox, who offered supporters a chance to win a trip to Rancho Vanencia villas in Southern California.

Who in the hell is John Cox?

There were a couple of winners here in the cornfields, and Romney was hardly one. Mike Huckabee's second-place finish not only kills off several of his rivals in single-digit territory but gives him a shred of credibility going forward. He defeated John Birch Brownback, who apparently had the only air-conditioned tent at the party (somehow I find it hard to believe that Mitt Romney forgot to buy a tent with A/C) ...

Even Brownback's decision to have the only air-conditioned tent today may not help him much if too few people cast ballots for him here.

For Romney, the risk is not of dropping out, but of embarrassment. Like the rest of his slick, polished campaign, his presence here practically exudes his wealth: a huge, professional stage for musicians, a tent outfitted with flat-screen televisions, and hundreds of volunteers.

As midday neared, Romney communications director Matt Rhoades nervously described the straw poll as "a war of attrition" and worried about how to make sure his supporters actually wait in line to cast their ballots.

Yes, not very many of them did cast their ballots, all right. Forty thousand attended, 14,000 voted. I'm guessing 50,000 plates of barbecue were consumed. What a bunch of free-loaders.

Did I forget to mention Dr. No and his sixth-place finish was the euthanizing agent for Gov. Thompson and the others who will quit shortly?

Did I also neglect to point out that Barack Obama polls better among Iowa Republicans than several of these poor sweating conservatives?

Sunday Funnies (starring Nate the Neoconservative)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Twenty-Six Percent Dissolution

I've been waiting to receive this e-mail from a few bitter-enders among my relatives and friends, though candidly I expected it sooner, when the President (sic) was still polling in the thirties:

I’m one of the twenty-six percent of Americans who still believe in our great President Bush, and everything he’s done for our country!

I believe my tax dollars should not be wasted on welfare, health care, and other socialist programs. That’s why I support an administration that uses my tax money to increase Halliburton's profits, or just allows it to go missing in Iraq!

I believe that the Republican Party is the party of moral values. That’s why I voted for the party of Duke Cunningham and Mark Foley!

I believe that trickle-down economics will eventually trickle down to me, and I will become a billionaire. That’s why I support tax cuts for the wealthy!

I believe in Jesus Christ and all of his teachings. That’s why I condone torture!

I believe in war and protecting the homeland. That’s why I declined to enlist, so I could stay here and encourage other people to join up!

I believe drug addicts and sex perverts should be in prison. That’s why I listen to wholesome Americans like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly!

I believe in the sanctity of life, and protecting the unborn. That’s why I cheer when I hear about an abortion clinic full of people being blown up!

I believe in smaller, non-intrusive government. That’s why I support the president’s wire-tapping program!

I believe in the party of fiscal responsibility. That’s why I support the Republicans like Ted Stevens who continue to run up the national debt with loads of pork barrel projects!

I believe that if we don’t fight ‘em over there, we’re going to have to fight ‘em over here. That’s why I stay stateside, so I’ll be armed and ready in case they show up!

I believe that homosexuality is a sin and a threat to American society. That’s why I support the 100% gay-free Republican Party!

I believe in the concept that we are all God’s children. That’s why we have to kill Muslims, because God never meant for them to be part of the family!

I believe that it is my responsibility to stay well-informed. That’s why I have FOX News on my TV, 24/7!

I believe the President has enhanced the state of education in our country. That’s how I lurnt to speek and spel so gud!

I believe the Commander-in-Chief chooses reliable military advisors to assist him with his war strategy. That’s why I respect every new one he appoints, no matter how often he appoints new ones!

I believe a well-rested president is an effective president. That’s why I’m happy we have a president who is on vacation thirty-six weeks out of every year!

I believe we should Support the Troops. That’s why I have yellow ribbon bumperstickers on both of my SUVs!

I believe in freedom of choice. That's why I'm going to vote for whoever Pat Robertson tells me to vote for!

I believe that all Americans should enjoy good health. That's why I believe sick, uninsured Americans -- and especially those nasty illegal aliens -- should just die and leave the rest of us to enjoy our good health!

I believe that solid family values are the backbone of our country. That's why I, my third wife, and my current mistress are all campaigning for Guiliani!

I believe in spreading democracy around the world. That’s why I’m glad we let Iraqis vote while we were bombing the hell out of their country!

I believe in America and everything it stands for. That’s why I display my made-in-China flag proudly on my front porch every single day!

P.S. I believe that the fact that we twenty-six percenters became twenty-four percenters in the time it took to write this is just further proof that the surge is working!

Alexandra Pelosi's "Friends of God" here 8/23

Famed documentarist Alex Pelosi (yep, she's related) has a new film chronicling her visits with the fundamentalists shaping America, and she and it are making a debut in H-Town:

With her unique brand of road-tripping reportage, Alexandra Pelosi embarks on a fast-paced cross-country journey, offering snapshots of a cross-section of evangelical America. Pelosi presents her up-close and personal encounters with some influential members of the evangelical community, from Joel Osteen, the most-watched TV minister in America, to Ted Haggard, who recently stepped down as president of the 30-million strong National Association of Evangelicals following allegations that he had sex with a male prostitute and bought illegal drugs.

RSVP at the link above.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Nutcracker comes to H-Town

Senator Hillary Clinton
is coming to Houston
hosted by
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
National/Regional Co-Chair, Hillary Clinton for President Campaign
On Saturday morning, August 11, 2007 at 10:00 a.m.
join with friends, neighbors and Hillary Clinton for President supporters
(note change of location)
IBEW Local 716 Hall
1475 North Loop West
(I-610 North at Ella Blvd exit)
Houston, TX 77008
RSVP required for each admittance
(if you previously rsvp'd, please disregard)

They had to change locations because of the number of RSVPs (over 600). This was the original invite, a rather poor Photoshop:

My caption?

"A little lower, Sheila."

*scritch scritch*


*scritch scritch*

"That's it. Ahhhh..."

*scritch scritch scritch*

A final word about cheating

Baseball has so mirrored American society at large for the past century that I'm sure a few thousand dissertations have been written about it. I could make a case that Babe Ruth's record is tainted because he didn't play against African-American players. Discrimination, in my humble O, is just another word for cheating: excluding competition by declaration of an arbitrary authority.

Yes, no matter what he says, Barry Bonds cheated. Nobody's head just suddenly grows several hat sizes when they're in their thirties (unless they have some virulent strain of brain cancer). Bonds never hit more than 46 home runs in a season when he was in his twenties.

Bonds also cheated in an era when virtually everybody cheated. McGuire, Canseco, et cetera of course but the lesser players too. Notice how Pudge Rodriguez has shriveled up and become a weak hitter? He literally went from Pudge to Slim in one season. I watched Jeff Bagwell deflate like a poodle balloon, and not just from ceasing his workouts due to the arthritic shoulder. Ken Caminiti became an MVP as a result of the juice, and it also contributed to his demise.

The lords of baseball looked the other way while this was in its heyday. And then suddenly the mostly Caucasian, Christian, Republican fan base started to be turned off by the moral impurity of the Steroids Era. So the Republican owners and executives and managers and coaches and players -- again, for the most part -- were quickly forced to get righteous.

(Prezdential sidebar: I think it's no coincidence that some of the worst cheaters -- Sosa, Palmeiro -- played for the Texas Rangers during the time Bush, the pillar of substance abuse recovery-through-prayer, was part owner.)

Bonds has also cheated in a sport that has condoned -- or at least tolerated -- cheating all of its life. Baseball invented the phrase 'fair play' but the game is played by subjective, interpretive boundaries: Fair or foul? Strike or ball? Safe or out? Depends on the umpire's POV. And yours. No replay camera will ever be used to make that call. "It's right on the line." "That pitch looked outside to me." "Yeah, he's calling a wide zone today." "He beat the throw to first." "No WAY he was out on that bang-bang play."

And baseball has also and always functioned under an unwritten credo: "If you're not cheating, you're not trying." From spitballs with real tobacco juice and Ty Cobbs' sharpened spikes (Cobb likewise being one of the most virulent racists in the history of the game) to corked bats and nail files and sandpaper. Through the generations.

And what are batting gloves and tar paper and body armor on elbows and insteps all about? Aren't they kind of a legalized cheat? So who cares if somebody shot up the horse pills? It's their body. Oh wait a minute: what are the kids going to think?

Baseball was about cheating even before it became all about the money. Then the cheating was kind of, you know, "understandable" when millions of dollars suddenly hit the table. And purity becomes a commodity when not only millions of dollars but the sport as a going concern is threatened. It's Hard Work being Kenesaw Mountain Landis when the owners cancel the World Series -- due to "labor strife" -- and the fan base erodes by 20% for several seasons.

No excuses for Barry, but no admissions of guilt needed from him either. A-Rod is breaking that record anyway in about seven years or so.


Barry Bonds set the all-time record for home runs when he hit the 756th of his career off the Washington Nationals' Mike Bacsik in the fifth inning last night.

The new home run king, with his godfather Willie Mays behind him.

Bonds worked a 3-2 count before fouling off the sixth pitch of the at-bat. Barry smacked the seventh pitch a few rows deep in the seats in right center field.

Hank Aaron was not at the game but did give an inspiring message in a pre-taped speech that was broadcast on the Jumbotron after the blast:

"It is a great accomplishment which required skill, longevity and determination.

"Throughout the past century, the home run has held a special place in baseball and I have been privileged to hold this record for 33 of those years. I move over now and offer my best wishes to Barry and his family on this historic achievement.

"My hope today, as it was on that April evening in 1974, is that the achievement of this record will inspire others to chase their own dreams."

Bonds then thanked his father in an emotional speech to the crowd. The game paused for the celebration a total of ten minutes.

It was a nice event to witness in a vacuum, but the controversy surrounding the star will greatly cloud the memory in the minds of many baseball fans.