Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday 'Animal Farm' Funnies

Mostly domesticated, some feral.

"JD Vance ate my dog; Elon Musk ate my cat. Will Trump or Harris address this important issue?" I'm guessing 'sooner than they'll be addressing school shootings'.
I wasn't finished with the pets yet (yes, cows are).
So I thought that the debate had a little of everything weird beyond kitties and puppies on Hannibal Lecter's menu: illegal migrants receiving transgender healthcare in prison, who hated Israel the most, Kamala exposed as a Marxist (boy, do I wish) and my personal favorite, "concepts of a plan".

Donald would have instantly fired any apprentice for saying that to him. KHive and company have every right to feel joyful in the wake of that debacle. But it may have been Taylor Swift that won the post-debate spin.

With all this social media AI chaos, who needs Russian meddling? Oh yeah, maybe Kamala.

The vice president may have an electoral college problem in some swing states with the Muslim American/anti-genocide vote. It's interesting that both AOC and Keith Ellison were employed as attack dogs recently to tag-team Jill Stein. Black American podcaster Angela Rye also took her swings. Using the 'all publicity is good' analogy, the fact that the topics trended all week long introduced a lot of people to the Green Party. Something to monitor.

But the constant focus by corporate media on the uniparty options, its attendant performative displays, and the sideshow issues of no substance -- national head-to-head polling, funds raised, all the assorted he said/she said bullshit -- suggests this awful state of affairs seems to be only the 2024 cycle's last toxicity endurance contest. Thank Jeebus more of us are wising up and opting out.

This country's gone to the dogs. Can we go back to the zoo?

Sunday, September 08, 2024

"Cheney Democrats" (not so) Funnies

The Democratic Party of 2024 is the Republican Party of 2000.

It's fitting that Deep-In-The-Hearta is at the center of this revelation, because it began with W Bush and Rick Perry, coinciding with the rise of the blue blogosphere ... and that cottage industry's descent into irrelevance. Just like Texas Democrats.

When is the "War Criminals for Harris" Zoom?
Team Joynicide is quite obviously not the only wing of the Uniparty oblivious to the glaring inadequacies of their standard-bearer.

Lisa Benson, a nominal Republican, keeps nailing it.
Yeah, the Democratic Party -- the one that didn't acknowledge holding a primary for their desiccated incumbent, then switched him out at the last minute, and is still suing Jill Stein and Cornel West off various state ballots -- is going to "save democracy". Because Kamala didn't get a bounce from that joyful convention and is still tied with Trump.
Election 2024 isn't like 1968 or 2016. It hasn't come full circle or done a 180. It's gone through Alice in Wonderland's looking glass into Bizarro World.

But some other bad shit happened last week too.

Wrapping up this week's misery with a reminder that your choices for president include more and are better than Red MAGA or Blue MAGA.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

"You People are all Weird" Funnies

I wanted brainworm cartoons, I got whale heads.

Trump is squandering his comeback chances. Not that anybody who holds a low opinion of Trump cares, but his campaign implosion makes Kamala even more cautious. The only good news I can divine from this development is that a less close two-horse race slightly favors the third party candidates, as they can be blamed less using the odious 'spoiler' slander. The only twist in this regard has been Cornel West's effort to chase after Bobby Jr.'s anti-vax caucus.

West was added as a qualified write-in presidential candidate to the Lone Star ballot this past week, joining PSL's Claudia de la Cruz (and others). Those are two significant anti-duopoly options for Texans who also happen to be Green- and Libertarian-hostile.

For those with their red and blue blinders tightly attached, the only mystery remaining is how low the Democratic ticket will go for non-MAGA GOP votes.

You people are all weird (in your own way, and I love you).

Not you Zionists, though, and not you climate denialists. And certainly not you bastards profiting off either one.