Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Antonin Scalia and Kesha Rogers might be related

They certanly have a lot in common.

-- First: What's wrong with Fat Tony?

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia made what UC Berkeley law professor Dan Farber called “a cringeworthy error” last week: he got the meaning of an opinion he cited exactly backward. Worse still — the opinion he misread was his own. As Farber explained:

Scalia’s dissent also contains a hugely embarrassing mistake. He refers to the Court’s earlier decision in American Trucking as involving an effort by EPA to smuggle cost considerations into the statute. But that’s exactly backwards: it was industry that argued for cost considerations and EPA that resisted. This gaffe is doubly embarrassing because Scalia wrote the opinion in the case, so he should surely remember which side won! Either some law clerk made the mistake and Scalia failed to read his own dissent carefully enough, or he simply forgot the basics of the earlier case and his clerks failed to correct him. Either way, it’s a cringeworthy blunder.

There is a broader context for Scalia’s blunder, which has at least two troubling faces. First is the overall incoherence (one might even say mendacity) of Scalia’s judicial philosophy, as another leading conservative jurist, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner, argued in a scathing 2012 book review of “Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts,” which Scalia co-authored with Bryan A. Garner.

Second is the bubbling over of that incoherence into intemperate behavior, such as recent remarks that could be construed as invitations to treason. (In one instance he told a student the income tax was constitutional, “but if it reaches a certain point, perhaps you should revolt.” Another instance seemed more like a sarcastic remark.)

Scalia is very likely suffering the early stages of dementia (what is more commonly called Alzheimer's disease, and used to be called senility).  I'm not  a doctor, of course, but I have witnessed the onset of the decline -- and had enough conversations with doctors enough times -- to recognize the initial symptoms when I see them.

It's not yet time for him to resign, but it is time to have a discussion about when an intervention might be necessary.  And as closer observation warrants, the time to intervene hastens.

Scalia is 78 years old (Justice Kennedy is 77; Justice Ginsberg, a rare 6-year survivor of pancreatic cancer, is 81).  SCOTUS justices do go on to productive lives if they retire from the Court.  Former Justice John Paul Stevens, 94, recently gave eloquent testimony to a Senate committee on campaign finance law.  So it's not a question of age as much as it is of cognitive ability.

Perhaps someone close to Scalia, in order to avoid further embarrassment, will talk him out of trying to outlast Obama's remaining two years -- or for that matter, cheerleading during an impeachment proceeding if/when the GOP takes the Senate in November.

-- Yes, I used the I-word.  It's not that far-fetched, my partisan Democratic friends.  Two words: Kesha Rogers.

Have you forgotten that she led the polling ahead of the primary election?  She barely made the runoff, so it's probably unlikely that she defeats the wealthy former Republican, David Alameel, later this month.  But it's worth noting that her fundraising has run more than double Dr. Alameel's.  I do not think, after having been nominated by Democratic voters in CD-22 twice, and with all of the free statewide and national media she has gotten, that there are a plurality of Democrats across the state who do not understand at least some of what she is all about.  Assuming your base voters are actually this ignorant is a stretch too far for me.

On the other hand, and as H. L. Mencken said, nobody ever went broke doing so.  Jim Hogan, the top Democrat in the race for Texas agriculture commissioner, has also noted (paraphrasing) that Democrats have a phone and a computer.  They might even use them frequently.

(Ugh. I just paired the wisdom of Jim Hogan with that of H. L. Mencken. I feel depressed now.)

Yet -- and you must for the moment overlook the fact that she would have to get elected in order to help bring an Obama impeachment trial to reality -- if she were on the November ballot, the Tea Party faction that opposed John Cornyn so strongly (well over a third of GOP primary voters just two months ago)  would have a rather humorous dilemma:

-- vote for Cornyn the RINO?

-- or vote for the black Democrat who wants to impeach Obama?

That is some serious cognitive dissonance for a conservative Republican.  But it also assumes they would be capable of such complex thought.  Let's not debate which of the two parties' core voters are more stupid, at least for the moment.

If you accept the premise that Democrats just don't know about Rogers or what she stands for, then what is the value of working so hard to motivate even lower-information non-voters to register and turn out?

This is not intended to be a criticism of Battleground Texas' monumental and worthy efforts.  I simply want to note some contradictions in logic.  Must Democrats do all the thinking for the vast majority of Texans who cannot be bothered to vote at all, much less in non-presidential years?

Some would say 'if they want to win, yes'.  I respect that.

It's certainly conceivable that so many Texans might be this ignorant.  It's also possible that they just don't care.  They don't vote because they don't care who wins, who rules, who makes the laws and the judicial appointments and rewards their supporters with ever more taxpayer money no matter how corrupt  it appears.  They might simply think there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans, or at least that there's not enough of a difference to make a difference.  The small number of voting Texans who don't vote for one of the two major parties, about 5% give or take, provide some reinforcement for this notion.  These Texans vote, but are not confident in the representation they have historically received from either the Democtatic or the Republican Party, AND believe that their vote -- no matter the outcome of the election -- still has meaning and impact.  That's a fairly high bar, intellectually speaking; many Texans who do vote think that a vote for a "third" party is a wasted one... even if they mostly disagree with the D or the R's candidate or platform.  This is "lesser of two evils" thinking, and is simply unsophisticated.  Update: Note Ross Ramsey's article today at the Texas Tribune: "Minor Parties Still Matter, Even If They Lose".

Certainly there are sheeple who vote who do no research into the candidates, who cast a straight ticket, or worst of all, outsource their thinking to a political action committee and carry a slate card with them to the poll.  My contention is that not all voters are this ignorant, and furthermore that a majority of non-voters are not this ignorant, either.

They could possibly be ignorant, or they might be too busy trying to put food on their families.  They might be too tired to think about politics, civic issues, etc., at the end of a 14 hour-day at two jobs. It might be all they can do just getting their children fed, loved a little, and then fall into bed exhausted in order to get up and do it again tomorrow.  And do that six or seven days a week, just to keep their heads above water.

It might also be possible that some of these Texans are smart enough to understand that Barack Obama -- and yes, even Wendy Davis -- aren't doing enough to help them better their lives or address the things they are concerned about.  That might be why they don't vote.

With that in mind, is David Alameel really that much different from Kesha Rogers to these Texans? 

No matter what Alameel says about himself or what others say about him, he is IMO the last of the Mohicans; an actual moderate Republican who has been pushed out of the GOP by their extremist factions.  He's also pro-life by deed: he serves on the board of a Catholic charity that contributes to a "crisis pregnancy center" in Dallas.  You know, the ones that counsel pregnant women to keep their babies.  That's not his only personal "liberal" hypocrisy, as we know.  His conversion from R to D comes just a few years after he wrote several large checks to both John Cornyn and Greg Abbott, not exactly the most moderate of Republicans (no matter what the Tea Party thinks).  And let's not ignore that Wendy Davis endorsed Alameel over a fine and qualified progressive candidate named Maxey Scherr in the primary.  Not because he was the best choice for Democrats, as Davis said, but because she needed him to write HER the big checks this year.

Texans were smart enough to figure that one out.

It might be that some Texans who didn't vote in the primary, aren't voting in the runoff, and won't be voting in November understand exactly what they are not voting for.  But like everybody else, from journalist to pundit to political scientist, I have no idea how many Texans like this that there are.

However large or small their number, these Texans -- Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, independents, and all of their potential voters, as well as all of the confirmed non-voters -- might not be all that stupid.  That's all I'm suggesting.

If you buy that, then you're left with the conclusion that something could be dysfunctional in our body politic.  Something might be wrong with our democracy.  It might not even be a democracy at all any longer, in point of fact.

Given that, it might be a little easier to understand why so many Texans -- so many Americans -- do not vote.  The real question is: with so many people passively or aggressively refusing to participate... what comes next?  If it's not democracy any more, but it's not quite oligarchy... what is it?

If one party is locked in to ruling Texas -- the same can be said of Democrats in California and the northeastern states -- and one party might be locked in to the US House of Representatives, and possibly even the White House as well, is it just going to be partisan gridlock for the foreseeable future?  Is what we have had for the past ten, fifteen, perhaps twenty years essentially the same thing we will continue to have for many years to come?  Is it any wonder, then, why the large majority of people are disillusioned by and uncoupled from the process?  And is that by design -- a form of top-down, oligarchic influence in and of itself?

How best to motivate those who are apathetic to a place where they care enough to participate.  The hardest of questions to answer.

Update: We could give "NOTA" -- none of the above -- a whirl.

As it stands, our system is great for the Democratic and Republican Parties, who happily maintain the fiction that all Americans can be served by our two enthusiastically pro-business parties. But it’s a system that’s pretty crappy for everyone else. Why can’t I say so with my vote?

Who's with me?!

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Greg Abbott's Scandal O' Week, shared with Rick Perry

It's an old scandal, but as new details emerge, the boil continues to fester and ooze.  Wayne Slater, tying all the latest strings together.  (My emphasis below.)

A political group allied with Wendy Davis opened an attack Monday using cancer survivors to highlight allegations Republicans Greg Abbott and Rick Perry benefited from money designed for cancer research.

The Progress Texas political committee began airing an online video accusing the state leaders of complicity in the scandal. One cancer agency official has been indicted, the agency board has been replaced and a grand jury is investigating. Perry, who is considering another race for president, was instrumental in creation of the state cancer research agency. Agency grants have gone to political donors. As attorney general, Abbott was on the oversight board that failed to take action to avoid questionable grants, including at least one to an Abbott campaign donor.

After The Dallas Morning News first broke stories raising questions about funding problems, Abbott’s office announced it would investigate what went wrong at the Cancer Prevention and Research Fund. That announcement put Abbott in the position of investigating an agency over which his office already had oversight. That means the attorney general potentially is looking into the behavior of board members who are his campaign donors. Abbott says he sees no problems with these arrangements.

A grand jury investigation of Rick Perry is now under way for his threatening to withhold state funding for the Travis County District Attorney – while she was investigating activities at the cancer research fund. Perry has denied any wrongdoing.

More from Jonathan Tilove at the Statesman.

“When I found out the money had been misspent, at first I was angry, extremely angry. I mean, these are people’s lives. You go through anger, disbelief, shock, then you want to get even,” Becky Arreaga, an Austin business owner, says in the ad, in which she is joined by Austinites Kerry Tate, a homebuilder, and Berry Crowley, an attorney, and Pat Pangburn, a Dallas homemaker.


The gist of the attack on Abbott is that campaign donors were also investors in companies that received grants from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas — known as CPRIT — that had not been properly vetted, and that Abbott, who was part of the oversight board for the agency, turned a blind eye, not even attending the board meetings.

This is the same old cancer cronyism we've known about for a couple of years now.

In another time, place, or state, this would be a bombshell.  The presumptive governor-in-waiting would be forced to publicly address the accusations of corruption, and would be then held to account for his unethical conduct by the voters.  Of all political persuasions.

But this is Texas, and this is Rick Perry and Greg Abbott.  And they are Republicans.  And that's how Texas Republicans roll.  Abbott will go into hiding from the media for a week or two, while Perry will adjust his glasses, fly to Iowa with his state-paid Texas Rangers security team in tow (the tab is almost $3 million now), says "aw-shucks" and "second chances", and Republican primary voters will snort and say it's all just another liberal media conspiracy.

Facts cannot frack any understanding into their skulls.

We'd all like to think that it will be different this time around, but I'm not confident it will.

Update: Like cockroaches, built to last.

In the case of Perry and Abbott, it's as if both are trying to out-cockroach each other. Rick Perry's entire time in office has been one of bribery, slush-funds, under-the-table-payments for appointments and a million other gubernatorial transgressions. Maybe that's why he chose to be re-baptized recently. Nothing less than the Pacific Ocean will wash his political sins away.

And what of Greg Abbott? He wants to sacrifice four-year-olds to Pearson, the omnipotent gods of testing, but only for informational purposes. He hangs out with pedophiles and misogynists and worst of all, while he served as watchdog, on the Oversight Board of Cancer Research Institute, his donors' companies received $42 million of Texas' taxpayer money.


In spite of all the proof, the publicity, the news stories, and all the examples of backroom deals, illegal grant writing, and garden variety political theft, voters will continue their present state of passivity and continue to vote for the political profiteers based solely upon the single letter beside the candidate's name.

Monday, May 05, 2014

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance is already wishing it would rain as it brings you the week's roundup of the best Texas lefty blog posts.

Off the Kuff cheers two wins against voter ID.

John Coby at Bay Area Houston says a picture is worth a thousand Dewhurst/Patrick debates.

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos learns the truth about Rick Perry's Texas miracle. The fact of the matter is Rick Perry's Texas is a mess.

Horwitz at Texpatriate notes that Chris Bell has finally buried the hatchet in endorsing Kinky Friedman, thus forgiving all from 2006. You should too. Really.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is glad that colleges, including ones in south Texas, are being held responsible for handing rape cases.

In the wake of the Bundy/Sterling eruptions, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs came to the conclusion that racial bigotry is more generational than it is partisan. On the other hand, that blog post was written when everybody was still under the impression that the Clippers owner was a Democrat.

Neil at All People Have Value made note of the state-mandated rape of the forced sonogram law here in Texas that was strongly backed by Texas state Senator Dan Patrick and supported by three Texas state Senate Democrats. All People Have Value is part of


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The Makeshift Academic provides a historical perspective on Medicaid expansion.

Elaine White helped the Religious Right take over the Republican Party in the 1990s, and lived to tell about it.

Keep Austin Wonky reviews Austin's rail options.

The Texas Green Report and Texas Clean Air Matters analyze the Supreme Court decision upholding the cross-state air pollution Rule.

LGBTQ Insider calls on Texans to support their transgender teachers.

Beyond Bones presents five ways to combat light pollution.

Texas Watch rounds up some news stories of interest in Texas.

Newsdesk showcases another fine example of Ted Cruz's ignorance of history and international relations.

Friday, May 02, 2014

What'd I miss?

While I was gone?

-- The fallout from last week's tirade by soon-to-be-former Cippers' owner Donald Sterling continues.

  • He's been treated for prostate cancer for some extended period of time.
  • The head of the LA NAACP resigns over the furor.
  • Even the Houston Clippers changed their name (to Cyclones).

-- Cliven Bundy's neighbors are worn out from his antics.

Travelers from around the country are calling, wondering if it's safe to pass on Interstate 15, where Bundy and his supporters, some armed with military-style weapons, faced down federal officials in an April 12 standoff over his cattle grazing on federal land.

Police Chief Troy Tanner tells callers it's safe. But local authorities and Bundy's neighbors are growing weary of the attention and the unresolved dispute. Since the standoff, Bundy went from being proclaimed a patriot by some for his resistance to a racist for comments he made about blacks being better off under slavery.

"Most of our neighbors have about the same opinions we have. They don't like it," said John Booth, a resident of nearby Bunkerville who drove this week with his wife, Peggie, past the State Route 170 encampments. "But they're not really going to say anything about it."

As triple-digit temperatures of a Mojave Desert summer approach, militia members vow to stay and protect Bundy and his family from government police, though it's unclear what the immediate threat is.


"We haven't been told by the Bundys that they're ready for us to go," said Jerry DeLemus, a former U.S. Marine from New Hampshire.

DeLemus heads a self-styled militia protection force of perhaps 30 people who sleep in tents, clean their military-style AR-15 and AK-47 weapons, and form work crews to help build watering bins for cattle on and around the Bundy ranch.


Bundy acknowledged creating a stir when he and his family showed up at the Mormon church with armed bodyguards for Easter Sunday services.

"The militia have been going with me everywhere," Bundy said Tuesday. "When I got to church, I said, 'Leave your weapons in the car.' They did. I guess there could have been weapons in the parking lot, but there were no weapons in the church house."

That sentiment officially puts Bundy to the left of Greg Abbott.  And Wendy Davis, for that matter.  But not Leticia Van de Putte or the Texas Democratic Party.

-- I say again to Democrats: RUN ON OBAMACARE.

Here’s another unexpected way the politics of Obamacare are going to get scrambled in the days ahead – and not necessarily in the GOP’s favor — as the reality of mounting sign-ups sinks in.

It turns out that several of the states with some of the hardest fought races of the cycle are also boasting some of the highest Obamacare sign-up numbers in the country.


In Florida, some 983,000 people are now signed up for private insurance through the federal exchange — up from 442,000 at the end of February. This is in a state where the Dem candidate for Governor — Charlie Crist — happens to be running on a very pro-Obamacare message. Crist is already seizing on the new data to attack GOP incumbent Governor Rick Scott for opposing the law — and over the consequences of repeal.


In North Carolina, some 357,000 people have now signed up for coverage through the federal exchange — up from 200,000 at the end of February. This could become more of an issue in the days ahead: Senator Kay Hagan has previously attacked likely GOP foe Thom Tillis for opposing setting up a state exchange and opposing the Medicaid expansion as state House speaker. Now the new numbers will provide fodder for Dems in the state to argue that North Carolinians wanted access to expanded health coverage — despite Tillis’ efforts to block it – underscoring the Dem message that Tillis’ state policies have been hostile to the middle class.

In Georgia, the sign-ups are now at around 316,000, and in Louisiana they’re at around 101,000.

In Texas the numbers are 734,000. Courtesy Philip Martin at Progress Texas...

  • 55% are women
  • 30% are age 18-34 -- slightly higher than the 28% national rate
  • 439k signed up after March 1. 295k had signed up prior to March 1
  • 84% used financial assistance

The target number from the White House was in the 650K range.  Medicaid enrollees also showed a small increase.  Expanding this program -- and accepting the billions of dollars of federal funding to do so -- would create hundreds of thousands of jobs, particularly in places like the Texas Medical Center in Houston.

Last year, Texas took $17 billion in federal money for its $28 billion Medicaid program. It currently covers 3.6 million children, pregnant women, seniors and disabled Texans.

More than 1 million poor adults of working age would be added to the program by 2016 if Texas changed course and embraced expansion, according to the state Health and Human Services Commission.

Texas would receive $9 billion to fund the program in the first year alone, spending a bit over $1 billion more than we do now.  The state budget  is projected to have a surplus approaching $11 billion by the beginning of the next legislative session (in January of 2015).  And yes, we need increased spending on infrastructure (particularly water, with continuing drought concerns), and education -- not tax cuts, goddammit.

Democrats will press this political advantage over the next six months -- if they want to win, that is.  Update: Kuff with a whole lot more.

-- The ineptitude of the Houston Astros reaches a new lowUpdate: A serious question is asked as to whether their fan base is vanishing.  I say yes -- since I consider myself part of the erosion.  Now that the Rockets have been eliminated from the playoffs, I suspect all eyes and ears locally will turn to the NFL draft.

-- May Day was celebrated around the world, but in the United States, they always try to drown it out with something else.  Yesterday it was the obnoxious National Day of Prayer, and locally they co-opted it for disaster preparation.  That didn't work out so well in downtown Houston.

This nation -- hell, this planet, since wage slavery has been outsourced around the globe -- is in dire need of a significant workers' uprising.  Maybe the US can catch up a little next year.

Update: Well lookie here.  A Seattle confrontation all but unmentioned by US media.  Thanks to Brian H for this.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

2014 vs. 2010, and other stuff

-- It's not as if this topic hasn't been blogged about previously, but there's two pieces out today -- one that talks about how bad it might be, one that talks about how good it might be.  The polling is all over the place, so there's that to confuse everyone also.

-- Rick Perry wins again, and California loses.  Wingnuts rejoice.  The actual relo is a good thing for Toyota, and by extension Texas and Texans.  So let's celebrate the news (but not give all the credit to one fellow, please).  Will Elon Musk -- who announced last week that SpaceX is moving forward in south Texas -- follow suit, or continue to hold his battery factory as a bargaining chip for the direct selling of Teslas here, bypassing the lobby-strong auto dealers?

-- On the other hand, this is what happens when life meets religious conservative dogma.

That's all I have time for today; my uncle Troy -- my Dad's older brother -- passed over the weekend, so there's time and attention offline that command a higher priority.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Racism is a generational attribute, not a partisan one *updates*

Terrific piece here from Joe Concha at Mediaite.

So here’s a question to consider regarding the (LA Clippers' owner) Donald Sterling media storm that hit over the weekend: where was all this outrage when Senator Harry Reid talked about then-Senator Obama only using a “Negro dialect” when he wanted to?

That question doesn’t come from me, but from ESPN’s Robert Smith, a former All-Pro running back for the Minnesota Vikings. (It is worth noting that Smith is biracial, like Obama; African American and Caucasian.)

Mr. Reid — the Senate Majority Leader — made those comments back in 2008, during the presidential campaign as reported in the best-seller Game Change. According to authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann:
“He [Reid] was wowed by Obama’s oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama — a ‘light-skinned’ African American ‘with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one…’”
Reid later apologized for the remark after the book came out two years later. He was not asked to resign, nor was there anything remotely resembling the kind of backlash Sterling is feeling — and absolutely rightly so — for his recorded comments scolding his half-Latina girlfriend for bringing blacks to Clippers’ games and/or posting Instagram photos with them.

But as Smith notes, where exactly was the outrage for Reid? 

I had forgotten this happened, but I clearly recall the scorn Joe Biden received for referring to Obama as 'articulate' during 2008's Democratic presidential scrum.   What's being put to bed here is the canard that "not all Republicans are racists, but all racists are Republicans".

Sorry. No.

Or remember when Mitt Romney said this? “In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

Whoops. That wasn’t Romney, but then-Senator Joe Biden back in 2006. Could you imagine the media reaction if those words did come from a Romney, a Ryan, a Rand or a Cruz?

Rhetorical question.

And then there’s the time the North Carolina county precinct GOP chair (Don Yelton) actually said this of voter ID opposition in a Daily Show interview, of all places: The law “hurts a bunch of lazy blacks who just want the government to give them everything, so be it.”

Racism exists in this country, of course. But it seems to be more of a generational issue than something that pertains to one party.  

This is some brutal truth about to pour itself on our heads, y'all.

Think of what Sterling, Cliven Bundy, Reid, Yelton and Biden all have in common: All are over the age of 60; all are white; all grew up in a “different time,” when racism was much more accepted. So it’s fascinating to listen to Reid this week publicly call on Republicans to disavow Bundy, whom he correctly calls a “hateful racist.” As we’ve seen, the 27-year Senator never misses an opportunity to score political points with the base, even when the hypocrisy is obvious.

Sterling, who has only donated to Democrats in the past (albeit not for awhile), was actually up for his second Lifetime Achievement Award from the NAACP. 

That would be the LA chapter of the NAACP, which wanted to praise the Clippers owner for the significantly larger donations than he gave to two Democrats, Gray Davis and Bill Bradley, in the early '90's ... his only political contributions for which there is public record.  Thus is revealed the carefully orchestrated hypocrisy of Sterling, who brings his biracial black/Latina girlfriend to "his" games -- while his not-quite-ex-wife still helps him manage the Clippers -- but she (girlfriend) is not allowed to post a picture of herself with Magic Johnson to Instagram.

Let's check in briefly at this time with the Field Negro.

The thing is, though; no one should be surprised. This is not an unusual way of thinking for men in the majority population of a certain age here in America. [...] The fact that Sterling held these views has been the worst kept secret in the sports world, and yet he was allowed to continue owning the Clippers and reach into his deep pockets to purchase high-priced free agents and an equally high profile African American coach. (Please don't tell me that Doc Rivers didn't know about Sterling. He -- like the LA chapter of the NAACP -- should be ashamed of himself.)

As John Oliver -- the former Daily Show reporter/comedian whose new HBO program debuted over the weekend -- observed, it was a "rough week for unrepentant racists and recording devices".  Back to Concha.

Is racism getting worse in this country? Hard to know the answer to that. On one hand, Cliven Bundy’s and Donald Sterling’s deplorable comments have been universally condemned from left and right, blacks and whites alike. On the other hand, it feels like the divide is getting deeper — especially since the media-fueled polarization of the George Zimmerman trial and verdict.

Maybe it’s just that too many people on the extremes have been given a microphone. Shock value is more and more embraced in media, particularly the world of cable news. And nothing is easier for a segment producer to put together than a racial “debate” between the usual suspects we see every time there a story involving black vs. white that day, that week, that month.

Robert Smith wants to know where the outrage was with Harry Reid when he spoke of Negro dialects. It’s a valid question from someone with no skin (pun intended) in the game. But let’s stop trying to keep a scorecard on what member of which party is making a stupid racial remark this week.
As we’ve seen with the decisive dismissal of Cliven Bundy and the soon-to-be-dismissal of Donald Sterling, most Americans and almost all forms of media won’t stand for racism. And if you weren’t born somewhere before 1965, there’s a pretty good chance your thought process doesn’t exactly match theirs.

Nobody — except for blind partisans and ratings-hungry producers more interested in winning or showcasing an unwinnable and pointless argument — really cares about the voting preference of the offender. 

That's the best course of action here.  And that's coming from someone who was born before 1965, and has been guilty on occasion of squeezing lighter fluid on the partisan grill with regard to race.

Call out the racists, and also acknowledge that the blue or red label is immaterial.  That way we can all start to make a little progress together.

Update: FWIW, Michael Tomasky disagrees, as does Wonkette, with its usual graceful snark.  Tomasky has a good point about the incessant false equivalency that conservatives reach for in almost every political case, but w/r/t racism and racists, there's simply no political degree of difference that's worth contending.  As a nation, we can't begin to get past this until we recognize that we have all fallen short of the glory of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Update II: Sources have debunked the 'Sterling is a Democrat' meme by posting pictures of his California voter registration, which shows him registered as a Republican.  I'm going to hold the line on the premise first advanced in the headline, primarily because in our American oligarchy, the wealthiest generally don't take sides (despite Charles and David Koch, Sheldon Adelson, yaddayadda).  They $upport their $elf-intere$t$ quite con$i$tently.

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance strongly favors net neutrality as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff notes another redistricting lawsuit, this one filed by people who think our Senate districts aren't white enough.

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos discovers Rick Perry and Greg Abbott were for eminent domain before they were against it. They both want to play Cliven Bundy in Texas.

Horwitz at Texpatriate reports that a majority of Houston city council members support a comprehensive non-discrimination ordinance.

John Coby at Bay Area Houston reports on Greg Abbott's call for the drug testing of 4-year-olds.

Greg Abbott tried to ride Cliven Bundy's coattails in a land dispute with the feds at the Red River, but -- as PDiddie at Brains and Eggs observes -- after Bundy "told us what he knew about the Negro", the attorney general was forced to jump off. (Are those figures of speech insensitive to a man in a wheelchair?)

Neil at All People Have Value said most folks correctly realize that the poor are just trying to get by and do well in a tough world. All People Have Value is part of

DosCentavos tells us that more cities are thumbing their nose at the immigration policy known as Secure Communities, and that El Prez/ICE is just about done with their deportation review -- but it may not be what activists want to hear. Plus: DC has a new font for the logo!

Texas Leftist has a new website! Introducing the NEW


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Socratic Gadfly is a little ticked that he isn't progressive enough to be included in the TPA weekly roundup.  Dude: you're worthy, you're worthy.

The Rivard Report documents the history of pay discrimination and legislation to outlaw it.

The Lunch Tray reports on new research concerning the effect of using food as a reward in classrooms.

The Bloggess writes about a threat letter her daughter's school received, and the importance of talking about such things with our kids.

Juanita Jean takes the Austin American-Statesman to task for a misleading headline about the grand jury that is currently investigating Rick Perry.

The Texas Green Report considers whether Tesla will build its battery plant in Texas.

Ride On Metro celebrated Lights Out Houston.

Finally, the TPA congratulates Randy Bear for being named the City Skeptic of San Antonio.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

If only we had elected this guy president

Asked whether he thought the Federal Communications Commission and Congress needed to preserve the Internet as we know it, the senator from Illinois said, “The answer is ‘yes.’ I am a strong supporter of Net neutrality.”

“What you’ve been seeing is some lobbying that says that the servers and the various portals through which you’re getting information over the Internet should be able to be gatekeepers and to charge different rates to different Web sites,” explained Obama, who warned that with such a change in standards “you could get much better quality from the Fox News site and you’d be getting rotten service from the mom and pop sites.”

Obama’s bottom line: “That I think destroys one of the best things about the Internet—which is that there is this incredible equality there.”

Or maybe even this guy, four years ago.

So was President Obama when, in 2010, the White House declared that, “President Obama is strongly committed to net neutrality in order to keep an open Internet that fosters investment, innovation, consumer choice, and free speech.”

Or even this guy, four months ago.

And President Obama certainly sounded right in January, 2014, when he said, “I have been a strong supporter of net neutrality. The new commissioner of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, whom I appointed, I know is a strong supporter of Net Neutrality.”

But it seems we got tricked; we elected, and re-elected, an Obama who appointed this guy.

If reports in the Wall Street Journal are correct, Obama’s chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Thomas Wheeler, has proposed a new rule that is an explicit and blatant violation of this promise. In fact, it permits and encourages exactly what Obama warned against: broadband carriers acting as gatekeepers and charging Web sites a payola payment to reach customers through a “fast lane.”

Late last night Wheeler released a statement accusing the Wall Street Journal of being “flat-out wrong.” Yet the Washington Post has confirmed, based on inside sources, that the new rule gives broadband providers “the ability to enter into individual negotiations with content providers … in a commercially reasonable matter.” That’s telecom-speak for payola payments, and a clear violation of Obama’s promise.

This is what one might call a net-discrimination rule, and, if enacted, it will profoundly change the Internet as a platform for free speech and small-scale innovation. It threatens to make the Internet just like everything else in American society: unequal in a way that deeply threatens our long-term prosperity. 

There doesn't appear to be any ambiguity in the reaction to the proposal, that's for sure.  It may in fact be even worse than it initially appears.  Worst of all, those of us who support net neutrality may have to start sucking up to a few of the largest tech companies in order to save it.

No matter what may develop, there is only a short time left to save net neutrality as we know it.  That means a lot of loud complaining about this new rule to Wheeler and the FCC, just to see if public opinion can still make a difference.

It's the same federally as it is locally: as a concerned citizen you must take action.  I dislike having to repeat myself over and over again to my elected (and appointed) officials just as much as you do, but they don't seem to listen.  So make sure they hear you.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Bundy Roundup

-- Who said it: Al, Ted, Cliven, or McGeorge?  I was just 4 out of 10.  I'm ashamed.

-- #ClivenBundyMovies: "Whiners of the Purple Sage", "Throw Mama in Front of the Feds", "A Day at the Racist", "Hiding Behind Miss Daisy", "Negro Like Me", "High Plains Grifter", "Twelve Years a Slave Isn't Long Enough", etc., etc.

-- An oldie but a goodie.

-- Some of the latest.

-- And as a reminder that the past isn't just prologue, it's not even the past...