Monday, October 21, 2013

Bexar Co. Republican judge switches to Democrats

By itself, not much of a thing.  If it is the beginning of a statewide wave...

County Court at Law Judge Carlo Key.

“The Republican brand of pettiness, bigotry and ideological character assassination can no longer be tolerated in Texas,” the release states. “As the smallest minds continue to make the loudest noise in the Republican Party, true leaders will be driven by their principles and values to become Texas Democrats.”

Joe Straus, nominal head of Texas Republicans in the county, isn't concerned and even took a shot at the way Texas elects its judges.  He could be right; he could be wrong.  It all depends on whether this sort of thing becomes a trend.

As previously indicated, either the TXGOP is going to keep creating the world they have in mind for Texas, or the rest of us will introduce them to the real one.

The Weekly EV Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance is old enough to remember when everyone who ran for public office did so on a premise of making it work better.  Below, this week's roundup of the best from the Lone Star State's lefty blogs.

The TPA also reminds Texas voters that early voting begins this morning in many places around the state, and don't forget to bring your photo ID.

Off the Kuff assesses the state of Houston's elections going into early voting.

Texpatriate endorses Annise Parker for re-election as mayor of Houston.

Eye On Williamson has a temporary home at this revised link, and responds to a recent TIME article says that Texas may be the future for the US. It will only happen if we let it: Why Texas doesn't have to be our future.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is really ashamed that all Texas Republicans voted to keep our government shutdown and to default on our debts. Don't forget that it was Pete Sessions who sealed this shutdown with a pernicious rule change. Shame indeed.

There's a disconnect between the power and influence of Ted Cruz and the Tea Party in Texas, and in the rest of the country. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs observes that this dichotomy is going to affect everything that happens between now and this time next year, and they'll either create their reality... or suffer the effects of actual reality.

Neil at All People Have Value moves forward with his blog and website. All People Have Value is part of

Libby Shaw over at TexasKaos finds it helpful to think of Ted Cruz and his Tea Party allies as part of a John Belushi-like approach to politics. Check out: Ted Cruz and his Texas Tea Party Animal House Shutdown.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Grits for Breakfast eulogizes Ruby Cole Session, whose son Timothy Cole died in a Texas prison after his wrongful rape conviction before he was posthumously pardoned.

AzulTX points out that undocumented immigrants make significant contributions to the US economy.

Socratic Gadfly records that Greg Abbott sued Obama, went home, and lost 2 out of 3.

Prairie Weather notes that for some, Ted Cruz --  like alcohol and drugs -- can be addictive.

BlueDaze has some recent photos from the Eagle Ford Shale.

Greg Wythe takes a deeper look at the use of text messages in local campaigns.

Egberto Willies has the sneak preview of Move to Amend's new mini-doc, "Legalize Democracy".

The Texas Green Report endorses Proposition 6, the water infrastructure fund amendment.

Offcite shows what truly open streets would look like.

Progress Texas urges a vote against Pasadena's regressive city council redistricting scheme.

jobsanger has some truth from a Republican.

Finally, all of us at the TPA wish Karl-Thomas Musselman the very best in his future endeavors as he concludes his tenure with the Burnt Orange Report after ten productive and excellent years.