Friday, June 11, 2010

Whose ass to kick

Other Ass We'd Like to See Kicked

Kick Peter Sutherland's Half-BP Half-Goldman Sachs Ass
Kick the Supreme Court's Corporations-Are-People Ass
Kick All Lobbyists' Asses Out of Washington, D.C.
Kick Lloyd Blankfein's Ass Into Federal Prison
Kick Monsanto's Genetically-Engineered Ass
Kick Joe Lieberman's Ass Out of the Senate
Kick Congress' Cutting-Unemployment Ass
Kick Jake Knotts' Ass Back to 19th Century
Kick Larry Summers' Ass Back to Harvard
Kick Blackwater's Ass Out of Afghanistan
Kick Dick Cheney's Ass to The Hague
Kick Money's Ass Out of U.S. Politics

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Perry's top politico connected to Greens' Santa Claus

Matt Angle busts Dave Carney.

Documents obtained by the Lone Star Project reveal that Rick Perry’s top political advisor Dave Carney has a long and direct link to the manager of the Texas Green Party/GOP ballot scam. In 2004, Carney teamed-up with Texas ballot scam leader Tim Mooney to gather signatures to put Ralph Nader on the ballot in order to assist the George W. Bush Presidential campaign.

In 2004, Carney worked with a group called “Choices for America, LLC” which was “run” by Mooney – the same Republican operative who collected signatures for the Green Party of Texas in 2010. (Dallas Morning News, August 12, 2004) Both Choices for America, LLC, the shell group used in 2004, and Take Initiative America, LLC the shell group used in 2010, are registered to Charles Hurth III. (Missouri SOS)

According to the Dallas Morning News, “Perry campaign spokesman Mark Miner said the governor's campaign had nothing to do with the petition-gathering effort.” It now appears that statement is likely not true.

That's a hell of a way to open your coronation weekend, Governor. And the Greens will now feel greater pressure to withdraw their petitions.

This just reeks all the way around. It's really a shame that the Green Party got manipulated in this fashion by the Republicans, but it's par for the course for goons like Carney.