Monday, August 06, 2007

Git along, little bloggies

Git along.

It's Monday and that means it's time again for the Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Blog Round-Up, where we review the best in Texas blogging from our various member blogs. This week's installment is brought to you once more by Vince at Capitol Annex.

TxSharon at BlueDaze brings us an interesting story about drilling companies in Wise County getting caught lying. Sometimes the truth just slips out, as it did when an oil field worker told her about water usage in Barnett Shale drilling: Depleting and polluting our water in Wise County, Texas.

Texas Toad at North Texas Liberal asks "Will There Be Mercy For Kenneth Foster?"

John C. at Bay Area Houston Blog tells us about the latest corporation and industry to exploit the Federal Arbitration Act -- cable giant Comcast, in Another Consumer Scam: Comcast Arbitration.

If you want pictures of Rick Noriega at YearlyKos, Charles at Off The Kuff has them here.

McBlogger at McBlogger looks at the mortgage industry brouhaha and decides the sky isn't falling after all.

Easter Lemming does another of his Liberal News Digests from progressive media. There really is a liberal news media, if you know where to look.

WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts regarding Williamson County Attorney Jana Duty filing a brief with AG Greg Abbott regarding whether the county judge and commissioners can use outside counsel without the CA's consent: County Attorney Asks AG Abbott For Opinion On Hiring Of Outside Legal Counsel.

Hal at Half Empty points out that if you want quality education, don't come to school bond issue meetings with box cutters.

Vince at Capitol Annex takes a look at the legal briefs filed before the Attorney General in the opinion request on the power of the Speaker of the Texas House.

M. Eddie Rodriguez points to a press release from Mikal Watts, a Democrat exploring a Senate race against John Cornyn, that notes that Cornyn's votes this week against expanding SCHIP puts him on the far-right fringe of his party, at Stop Cornyn.

And...Several Texas bloggers were also represented at Yearly Kos in Chicago, and did some great liveblogging. Here's one from Burnt Orange Report.

Muse from Musings was liveblogging all over the place, including at her blog where she brings us the ePluribus interview with Rick Noriega; Markos of DailyKos' special endorsement of Rick Noriega; a session on female bloggers; and liveblogging of the the presidential forum ...

... and at Capitol Annex where she blogged more on the girl bloggers and the MSN-blog panel (also here, here, and here);

... and on the Local Blogging Round-Table at Bay Area Houston.

And, don’t forget about these other Texas Progressive Alliance Members: Three Wise Men, In The Pink Texas, Marc’s Miscellany, Common Sense, The Agonist, People’s Republic of Seabrook, B and B, Brains and Eggs, Texas Kaos, Feet To The Fire, and Who’s Playin’.

Sunday, August 05, 2007