Sunday, November 20, 2022

'Oligarcy Wins and We Lose' Funnies

So much winning.
I am not looking forward to the next couple of years.
But Hillary Clinton is not the only reason.
And it's going to be very depressing if it has to be endured with Trump and his giddy fascists back on Twitter, or alas, without Twitter at all.
So perhaps I'll be able to focus on cheerier subjects.  Like the forthcoming climate apocalypse, and our so-called leaders' efforts to pretend to do something about it.
I sneer because I care.  The next two years -- and many after that -- will mostly be just a pain in the ass to me.  There will, on the other hand, be many less fortunate who suffer greatly and die terribly as a result of poor choices made by my species in the past, present, and yes, future.
Oh well.  Maybe the wealthy will be fat and tasty.  Enjoy your turkey.