Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday Lone Star Lefty Round-up

Keep your eyes on the Gulf again.

Governor Abbott has folded to the disaster capitalists who are the base of his financial support and opened up the state's businesses for more COVID spreading.

Including assisted living facilities.

But not the bars. Vox caught up with an Austin liquor store owner who described how his business has continually made adjustments through the six-month-long pandemic.

Teachers and students are adjusting as well.

With just a few of the most recent election headlines ...

Here are those details (Facebook Live, tonight at 7 p.m. CT).

(Remember: in last Saturday's weekender, Senator Lucio tweeted about the Pharr-B-Q. tomorrow.)

Last month the San Antonio Report posted some renderings of the restored battlefield and the relocated Cenotaph.

Ralph Bivens for the Texas Realty News Report snarks on Tesla's choice of a rural outpost for its truck factory, making the case that Houston would have been smarter.

Speaking of stupid:

A short wrap-up this Friday. Here's a few social justice posts.