Sunday, February 04, 2024

'The Abyss Gazas Back' Toons

“Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.” — Friedrich Nietzche

We’ve been volunteering to fight monsters since the days when (William) McKinley -- with the encouragement of Joseph Pulitzer and W. R. Hearst -- began railing against Spain for its treatment of Cuba.

Possibly earlier, if you count our crusade to help liberate the Tejanos and a whole bunch of other people from Mexico.
"If all options are on the table then why is bombing the option that's always chosen?" - W.J. Astore

I like the joke that’s making the rounds that no matter who Americans vote for as president, they get John McCain, which is a shorthand way of saying that the National Security State is the unofficial fourth and most powerful branch of the US government. Or if you prefer, the MICIMATT (the military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academe-think-tank complex).

Speaking of the media, you can always count on US media talking heads issuing resounding hosannas to the highest whenever a US president bombs a foreign country. Remember when reporters gushed that Donald Trump had finally become a real president in 2017 when he bombed Syria? Trump, who expressed contempt for McCain, finally became him -- and earned the MICIMATT’s approval -- when he started launching missiles to kill foreigners.

Nine more months of Red MAGA and Blue MAGA screeching at each other.  And at all of us who just don't want to play in their litterbox any longer.
Has the civil war/Texas secession in Eagle Pass come to a full rolling boil yet?  I am not closely watching that simmering pot.
Yes, we're strange.  Whaddaya gonna do?

Sunday, January 28, 2024

"Hague, Schmague" Toons

*Actual quote from Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.
Greg Abbott might be having the time of his life. He might also be cruising for an epic bruising. Social media has been both kind and unkind.

Ken Paxton's life, by contrast, is getting a little worse.
What's rough about this next one is that Team Donkey thinks that should be an elephant talking. They just cannot see that all those Republicans who've defected -- who say they're perfectly comfortable in the Democratic Party -- aren't helping them succeed electorally.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday "Seen This Movie" Funnies

I didn't like it the first time.
Oh *slaps table* I thought you were talking about 1968.
Offense or defense?
That would be 'neither'.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

"Democracy On The Ballot" Funnies

Democratic-aligned pundits and legal experts argue that removing Donald Trump from the presidential ballot, as the Colorado Supreme Court and Maine’s Secretary of State recently decided to do and 12 other states are considering, is not inherently undemocratic because -- even though it takes one major presidential candidate off the ballot in a two-party system -- it’s permitted under an obscure section of the 14th Amendment. Unfortunately, the Constitution hasn’t always been a charter that upheld the highest ideals of democratic participation.