Monday, October 12, 2020

The Weekly Far Left Texas Early Voting Wrangle

Tomorrow is the day many of us will get this election started.

Mail -- aka absentee -- ballots have been flowing in, as you know.  I received my application for one between rounds of the ongoing boxing match between Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins and Governor Greg Abbott, but will avail myself of the in-person option once more, even though my disability enables a postal voting qualification.

There's lots of election news here, and my suggestions for your vote are down-post.

The two others are El Paso and Dallas.  According to the story, only one candidate who is not an incumbent is slated to appear with the presumptive First Lady: TX-24's Candace Valenzuela, in metro DFW.  Polling in the district is stale but shows the Democrat has the strength to flip it; the race is considered a coin toss.  Here's a good profile.

Donks don't want to leave anything on the Lone Star table, and good on 'em for that.  'E' for effort.

  The line at the Bexar County Elections Department Monday (October 5th) afternoon, hours before the close of voter registration for the 2020 elections. (Courthouse News photo / Erik De La Garza)

(Today) Texas Democrats will receive an assist from some of the biggest stars in the Democratic Party. Oprah Winfrey, Willie Nelson, Senator Bernie Sanders and (Julian) Castro are set to join (Beto) O’Rourke and his political action committee, Powered By People, to help run a massive phone bank operation being touted as the “largest single-day voter contact effort in Texas history.”

They understand there are even more hurdles to getting your democracy on than usual.

The stakes are exceptionally high, and Texas voters know it.  It's not just about Trump, or Cornyn, or even Congress.  It's also about the excessive over-reach by Abbott and his minions in the Lege.

Even the freakiest of the freak right get it, though for entirely different reasons.

It's enough to drive a person to drink.  And if you want to drink in a Texas bar, you might have to drive a little bit outside of town to do so.

Bud Kennedy at the Startlegram has some good advice for early birds, first-timers, and "occasional" *cough low-info cough* ballot-casters. The Texas Civil Rights Project reported about how Fort Bend ISD helped get its 18-year-old students registered to vote before the deadline.  And Vote 411 has the answers to all your voting questions.

So with all of this in mind, and with regular Brains readers acutely aware of my position on Joe Biden and MJ Hegar, here's the P Slate for all Texas voters.

That's it.  That's the whole thing.

I can't vote for all of 'em and neither can you, but vote Green where you can, including the all-important Railroad Commissioner's raceAny Green is better than any Democrat in this contest, beyond the fact that the Donks tried to knock kat gruene off the ballot, that Chrysta Castaneda doesn't support a fracking ban as well as a host of other green (as in environmentally correct) initiatives, including, natch, the Green New Deal.  Essentially Castaneda is a "I'm not as bad as the Republican, let's enforce the existing laws, maybe consider a few very mild penalties for flaring, but emphasize incentives for oil companies to do better" kind of politician.  Maybe that's comforting for the few frackers waking up to reality, but it's a hard pass from me.

For the second consecutive cycle, I ain't voting for Lizzie Fletcher.  Just like two years ago, it does not look like she needs my vote.

Kuffner is fanboi-ing hard again.  That interview was a little too sticky for me.

Likewise for those of you in TX-21, where Wendy Davis has a puncher's chance to upend Chip "on Ted Cruz's shoulder" Roy.

Now I realize some of you would just like to see Texas turn blue.  Let's overlook the fact that too many of these Blue Dogs have mange, fleas, and ticks.

Yes it is, so let's ignore Joe's obsession with prepubescent girls, let's cancel Tara Reade, let's disregard Biden's palling around with racists and bigots all of his Senate career, his bragging about locking up every black person he possibly could, and yes, let's forget about his dementia.  At least he isn't Trump, the lowest possible bar imaginable.

Of these, I'd vote for Hank Gilbert (TX-1), and Sima (TX-2), and Lulu (TX-3), and Russell Foster (TX-4) if I lived in their district.  They're not the most progressive Dems, but I could make an exception.  The best Dems here are Mike Siegel (TX-10), Adrienne Bell (TX-14), Julie Oliver (TX-25), Donna Imam (TX-31), and Lloyd Doggett (TX-35).

 Follow Royce West's lead, or better yet, vote for David Collins.

And take Bernie's advice if you live in Travis County.

A forum for Austin city council candidates is tonight.

Want better endorsements than the daily papers give you?  Equality Texas has the five statehouse races for LGBTQ advocates to watch (or do something more for).  Gus Bova at the Texas Observer recommends the Austin Chronicle's endorsements.

Okay, this has gone on long enough.  I've plenty more for later, including the previously-promised environmental stories, criminal justice news, and some odds and ends.  Here's a few of the human interest tales to wrap this Wrangle.

More with less emphasis on politics coming.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday SuperSpreader Funnies

"Trump wanted to rip open his button-down to reveal a Superman shirt when he left the hospital"

Mike Peterson at The Daily Cartoonist has a list of cartoonists’ Patreon and other support sites. As newspapers and media companies continue to shed staff positions, direct support from readers becomes ever more important. Please check it out and consider giving support where you can.

Friday, October 09, 2020

Friday Lone Star Far Left Roundup

Delta-free, mostly.  A no fly zone.  Everybody ready to vote?

Sure enough, the TexTrib confirms, with their 4 a.m. release ...

... and especially with regard to the US Senate race:

So why should actual leftists NOT vote for these Democrats, even if they doubt the polling that shows the top-ticket Republinuts, Trump and Cornyn, starting to ease out in front?  Here's a few reasons.

There are a lot of Texas Democrats who think that this -- along with ridin' a motorcycle and talkin' tuff -- is the only kind of "Democrat" (sic) that can get elected in Texas.  The polling suggests they're going to be wrong.  Again.  And now you know why I'm not a Texas Democrat any longer.

Cornyn and Hegar debate tonight on teevee, if you don't have anything better to do.

Or watch their two-minute elevator pitch, along with that of David Collins and Kerry McKennon of the Libs here, courtesy HPM.  To be clear (and fair), there are a handful of D progressives worth voting for on your ballot and mine, and Democrats have raised a shitpile of money to try and send Biden and Hegar and a few of the good Donks (along with some that I would not classify as such) to Washington and Austin and your county courthouse.  Like me, you decide which those are, and then go to work -- now if you have your mail ballot, as soon as you get it if you have requested one, and beginning this coming Tuesday if you're voting early in person.

Harris Countians are already lining up to drop off their mail ballots at the NGR Stadium, the only place allowed by Governor Rolling Blunder to do so.

I'll do a more comprehensive voting guide/P Slate post before Monday.  The TexTrib lets you look up your full ballot, but doesn't list the eligible write-ins.  I -- or rather, Mark Jones at Rice's Baker Institute -- have posted that a couple of times, and will do again in the afore-mentioned.

I had almost enough Tweets for a separate post on Ken Paxton.

Monica Roberts, known to her friends as Moni, a Houston resident and a nationally-acclaimed trans activist, also the founder of Transgriot -- passed away yesterday.

I have environmental stories for Monday's Wrangle. Here's some criminal justice updates.

Third Ward's native son with the honey voice also left us this past week.

And a few feel-good items to end the week, but first some mockery and snidery (you wouldn't be reading this blog for something else, would you?)

Thursday, October 08, 2020

The fly won

Who needs wires or ear pieces when you've got *ahem* a fly on the wall?

It had to be one of those Russian bots, nanotechnologically engineered.  A botfly.

No, really.  The guys at Area 51 have been working on it for a few years now.  They're still trying to, ah, get the bugs out.

I'm not saying it was aliens ...

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

1600 PA Update: "It's Biden's to Lose."

So sayeth Beto O'Rourke, a week ago (specifically, about Texas).  Three weeks ago, in this Sunday Funnies collection ...

And two weeks ago, me.

As surely as the seasons change from summer to fall and the Gulf clears itself of tropical disturbances; as certainly as 2020's hurricanes went from boys and girls to non-binary; and as absolutely as there will be a new Justice seated before November 3rd, will President Donald Trump be "re-elected", in the most marginal definition of the word.

So while summer is still changing to fall and Judge Barrett is going to be Justice Barrett in due course -- more on that in a minute -- I am here to tell ya that I think I'm going to get the other two calls wrong (damn you, Hurricane Delta).  Beto's right about one thing; Texas stays red in the Electoral College, also the Senate, but it looks very good for blue Congress critters and a statehouse flip.

I went on there to challenge Ds to "prove me wrong", because "I really (didn't) want to be right".  And while Democratic voters still need to finish, everything -- and I mean everything -- is breaking their way to blow Trump out of the White House in 27 days.  Shockingly but unsurprisingly, Biden is intent on choking it away.

Let us count the ways:

Recent national polls showing Sleepy Joe with a 16-point lead are to be discounted.  We don't elect presidents via popular vote (see: Clinton, Hillary).  Also, Nate Silver's outfit referenced above is hedging because of his last presidential polling nightmare in 2016, as we all should recall.  But the fact is that Biden has never trailed in EC projections since the conventions; last week's debate debacle helped him a lot, and so has Trump's dueling Mussolini/Evita impressions upon talking his way out of Walter Reed less than a week after catching COVID.

None of these things swayed my personal flip-flop, though.  This did.

So he's given up.  Quit.  Cut and run.  He's decided -- or been convinced by the collapsing polls -- that his legacy will be three SCOTUS Justices and shifting the Court to the right for a generation, maybe two, instead of a second term.

He can't be perceived to be conceding the election, of course, and if it's closer than the polling says then he's got enough Justices to push him back into the White House, a la Bush v. Gore.

So I don't consider this a fatal error so much as a desperation play -- not a 3-D chess move -- on the part of his campaign advisors.  A Hail Mary to Amy Barrett (and Kavanaugh and Gorsuch and Alito and Thomas).  Once in a while those work, you know.  Anyway ...

I suppose some of you Bidenites need a receipt or two.

And Bernie Sanders is out on the hustings campaigning for this guy.

Those texts asking me to vote for Joe?  Keep 'em comin'.

Biden doesn't even want to debate Covita next week.  What a spectacular display of weakness.

So if you want options ... you have them.

With respect to those who read this blog who are voting outside of Texas:

Update: No veep preview.  Not watching but will be Tweeting, and some thoughts about it tomorrow, along with a preview of this: