Monday, October 11, 2010

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance is imagining a world in which John Lennon would have lived to see his 70th birthday as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff published interviews with Democratic candidates Jeff Weems, Hector Uribe, and Hank Gilbert.

BossKitty at TruthHugger is disgusted again. This is a very serious election, but America is the deer in the headlights and appears to be frozen. So the last thing he wants to hear is "its a TRUCK"! This election is all spin and conspiracy (not that previous elections haven't been) but this one is critical because it's hinting at rolling back what progress has been achieved. Israel is sliding, America is sliding and the radicals are ready. This is NOT the choice American's should face.

Matthew Dowd, a Bushbot, longs for the glory days of the Bush presidency and envisions Rick Perry as president. That sound you hear is CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme retching uncontrollably.

Bay Area Houston says that during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Americans are truly a sick bunch of people.

nytexan at BlueBloggin is beyond irritation at the continual hypocrisy of Congress and the Republican agenda of NO. The latest example is Senators Coburn and Brown Take Pay Raise and Say No To Federal Employees. It's stunning that the US Congress can continue to give themselves pay raises every few years and then claim that federal employees are overpaid. Tom Coburn believes "we need to expect more, and we need to pay less".

The Texas governor is apparently going to finish the 2010 campaign much the way he started it: remaining cowardly, and trying to get re-elected based solely on his good looks.

WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts (again) on the failure of our state's leadership: Public school finance continues to be a problem.

WhosPlayin writes about why it is so important for Texans to log on to and check the status of their organ donor registration, and sign up if they haven't already.

Neil at Texas Liberal attended the Governor's race debate on the topic of education that was held in Houston. All the candidates were there ... except the incumbent.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Funnies

"Don't f*ck with Todd Palin. He will make you an offer he can't pronounce. You mess with Todd Palin, you could wake up with a horse's ass in your bed, like he does everyday." -- Bill Maher, on Todd Palin firing off an angry email full of grammatical errors to Alaska GOP Senate candidate Joe Miller

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Geek fighting on Facebook

This was one of my friend's - no, one of my real friends -- FB status updates today.

Regarding the mosque near ground zero, I say let them build it. But across the street, we should put a topless bar, called "You Mecca Me Hot". Next to that, a gay bar called "The Turban Cowboy" and next to that, a pork-rib restaurant called "Iraq o' Ribs"? And a check cashing center called..."Iran out of... money"

This is my response:

This is a great idea! But we could just get the strip club that's already there to change its name (from the Pussycat Lounge). And the Thunder Lingerie and More sex shop ('more' looks like peep shows and dildos) could rename itself "72 Virgins". Talk about Meccan me hot...

Within three blocks of Ground Zero, there are 17 pizza shops (one slice of Meat Lovers, extra sausage, for my Muslim buddy over there on the corner), 18 bank branches (Iran Outta Money is perfect), 11 bars, 10 shoe stores (I like "Duck, Bush!" personally) and 17 separate salons where a girl can get her lady parts groomed. How about "Brazilians by Chileans"? Allah Akbar!

Not to mention at least ten churches, three synagogues, one Buddhist community center, a Hare Krishna facility and an existing Muslim prayerhouse that, on its website, denies any connection to "any other organization trying to build anything new in the area of downtown Manhattan".

I'm not making any of this up (except the renames, in the spirit of the OP). Just Google 'ground zero strip club' and click on the NY Daily News link. It should be the second one from the top.

You know what I like best about this suggestion? Morons like Newt Gingrich may finally stop calling GZ 'sacred ground'.