Monday, March 10, 2008

The Weekly Wrangle

Time for the post-primacaucus round-up from the friendly blogs of the Texas Progressive Alliance, compiled by Vince from Capitol Annex.

Refinish69 joins John McClelland, Democratic nominee for Texas House District 64, in asking "Where's Myra"? And it seems that Shrub has a new title to add to his list -- Torturer-in-Chief doesn't seem like one most people would want, but then Shrub is a fool.

Eye On Williamson wraps up Tuesday's primary. Dembones points out that Obama won Williamson County and SD 5, as well as the unprecedented turnout for the caucuses. WCNews has initial impressions and more impressions from the primary.

Off the Kuff has been busy poring through the data from Tuesday's primary, with posts about the blueing of Harris County, and a series on Republican crossover votes.

The Texas Cloverleaf begs the question: who the hell is Mark Thompson? Is another dead dancer in our midst, or did voter apathy give us another odd run-off?

Where is Myra? State Rep Crownover is missing, and the Leaf wants you to watch a video to help locate her.

PDiddie at Brains and Eggs wrote the advance story of Election Day in his precinct with "Today's agenda", and the postscript in "244".

McBlogger had an exciting and mostly hateful primary week. Things kicked off with Mayor McSleaze's recap of the primary itself, while McBlogger took the time to bitchslap John McCain for taking an endorsement from some weird-o preacher in San Antonio and chastise adults for following the lead of a child. McBlogger finishes up the week with a plea for relief from a devastating force, Rachael Ray.

BossKitty at BlueBloggin asks Democrats to unite and explore Make It So! A Clinton-Obama ticket?

WhosPlayin thanks his city's staff for the help in Tuesday's primaries, and wonders why the big deal about the use of the "M" word.

John Coby at Bay Area Houston ponders When Hope turns into Whine.

Vince at Capitol Annex starts taking a look at the March 4 primary, with the first of many Primary Postmortem posts.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sunday Funnies (Talking Straight)

The primary reason Clinton supporters who say they won't vote for Obama will vote for Obama in November:

Friday, March 07, 2008

"Do you think the Democrats will win the Presidency this year?"

Granted: Kossacks have always been anti-Hillary, and most of Mrs. Clinton's supporters can't spell 'blog' much less read one, but this poll is still astounding:

31%1130 votes
2%87 votes
51%1851 votes
1%50 votes
1%33 votes
5%178 votes
6%226 votes
1%27 votes
1%18 votes
| 3600 votes

Which extreme minority do you think I voted in?

And how did you vote? And why?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Obama-Clinton '08

I'm kinda sorta maybe thinking it could possibly even be okay with me if the order were reversed. Yes, this a significant evolution of my position.

Bottom line: With just 600 delegates up for grabs and front-runner Obama 658 short of the 2,025 needed for victory, it is mathematically impossible for either candidate to clinch the nomination before the process is scheduled to end with Puerto Rico's June 7 caucuses.

Obama remains in the overall delegate lead, 1,567 to 1,462, according to Associated Press estimates.

With neither candidate able to wrap up the nomination during the primary season, Clinton and Obama must try to seal the deal by courting the 350 still-uncommitted superdelegates, including 14 from Texas.

I have to presume that the Supers will not stampede together in either direction.

A potential wild card is the continuing battle inside the Democratic National Committee over the seating of delegates from Florida and Michigan, two states whose convention votes have been taken away because they scheduled January primaries in violation of party rules.

But governors of both states are talking about arranging for a June re-vote if private funding can be arranged to cover the costs. For very different reasons, the idea unites Clinton and GOP leaders.

Republicans see these "do-overs" as an opportunity to drain Democratic resources and create additional tension between the two foes. Clinton's strategists eye an opportunity to erase Obama's edge.

This report indicates that Governors Crist of Florida and Manholm of Michigan are demanding a pardon from the DNC, while Howard Dean -- apparently he will be making the breakfast television rounds this morning to explain -- indicates that it's up to the Credentials Committee at the national convention to decide it, or the two states must re-vote. By June 10.

The sooner the Clinton and Obama camps come to an agreement on something and stop fighting, the better off everybody is going to be. It doesn't matter to me at the moment what it is they come to an agreement on: delegate counts in FL and MI, a unity ticket, something. Anything.

Can it happen? And how long will it be before it does, if it does? Can Hillary suppress her ego and be vice-president a second time? Or will she demand that Barack wait his turn and hold the bucket of warm spit? How much blood needs to be spilled? Can the bad blood remaining be leached out in time to beat George W. McCain in November?

Betting windows are open ...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


That's how many people signed in at the Democratic caucus in my precinct last night, in West University.

The Republicans had about eight, maybe.

The Chron reports that it was like that all across the county last night:

The crowd started growing well before the polls closed, and by 7:15 something resembling a mob had assembled in front of the Lovett Inn in the heart of Montrose. Patiently they waited for the chance to ... well, nobody was quite sure. ...

The hitherto obscure process, usually the province of the political hard core, was elevated to the main stage Tuesday by the tight race between Obama and Clinton and the unusual rules of the Democratic primary, which apportions delegates both by popular vote and success in the caucus straw poll.

"I've been doing this in Democratic primaries for 30 years, and I've never seen anything like it," said Annise Parker, the Houston city controller and a nearby resident. "This just shows that if you get the right scenario and the right candidates, people will come out to vote. Here you have a history-making election — either an African-American or a woman will be the Democratic candidate."

I have participated in about half a dozen or so caucuses and run the last three; we never had so many as ten people attend any of the previous ones. We ran out of sign-in sheets, and though people in the crowd came to my rescue with copies and clipboards, it still took an hour to complete the process. There was lots of grumbling and I'm sure many left with out signing in.

"I don't know how much difference this makes in the long run, but it makes a lot of difference to me," said 31-year-old Megan House, who was hoping to be chosen a delegate for the next stage of the process. "You've got to make a stand somewhere. People are understanding that democracy is controlled by those who show up."

And show up they did. So much so that some precinct conventions took hours to resolve, especially in places where many people were still waiting to vote at the nominal closing hour of 7 p.m. The convention cannot start until the polls are closed.

Like the day's voting before them, most of the caucuses went off without a hitch. But there were exceptions, mainly because of large crowds and poor logistics. At the Harris County Courthouse Annex No. 31, the polling place for Precincts 325 and 327, the building's configuration made it difficult to organize the 300 or so people who turned out to participate, said Gertha Giles, a poll volunteer.

In Precincts 559 and 620, which also were combined for the primary, hundreds of people were still waiting in line outside the Westchase Public Library at 10:30 p.m. Poll officials did not open the doors and eventually police were called to the scene. Officers said there was never any violence, and once people were able to get inside the situation calmed down. ...

As the last of the people waiting to caucus filed inside the library about 11 p.m., police lingering in the parking lot said they'd heard calls over the radio for officers to help with overflow crowds at two other nearby caucus stations in West Side division alone: a church on Boone south of Wilcrest and a library in the 10000 block of South Kirkwood.

Across Harris County, from the inner loop to the suburbs, polling places were overwhelmed by unprecedented caucus attendance. At Precinct 64 in the predominantly Hispanic East End, the Democratic caucus drew a record turnout that astounded longtime participants.

Our precinct broke 63% for Barack Obama, 37% Clinton. Obama's campaign had about five volunteers, including a poll watcher, present mostly outside electioneering, throughout the day. I neither met nor saw anyone from the Clinton campaign. But I met almost all of my liberal neighbors, and found out how much we shared about our concerns for the future of our county, our state, and our nation. At least a hundred stayed till the very end, approving resolutions, lasting to about 9:30 p.m.

There was observable Republican mischief being made as ballots were cast during the day, but not during the caucus n the evening. A woman who voted at our location asked me how it could be determined that someone voting in the Republican primary could be prevented from voting in the Democratic. I told her that they couldn't be stopped, but one of the two votes would -- eventually, as in days after the election, and revealed by its time stamp -- be determined to be fraudulent and investigated (hopefully, by the Attorney General of Texas). Then she apparently made a potentially fatal error: she identified herself as working as an election clerk in the GOP precinct voting in a different location from the Democratic one she had just cast a ballot in.

Not sure if she just slipped up letting that slip out or perhaps was taunting me at that point. I tend to think it was the former. If her name appears as having voted in both primaries yesterday however, she's going to catch a legal challenge. For anyone who may have listened to Michael Berry on KTRH yesterday afternoon between 5:30 and 6 p.m. -- as I did on my way back from the county clerk's office to the polling place -- he spoke very eloquently and sincerely about how wrong he believed it was that Republicans were doing this. Berry stood very obviously in opposition to Rush Limbloat's exhortations to Republicans to cross over.

Anyway ...

My wife walked to the caucus last night from our house, hooked up with another lady who inquired if that was her destination, had a nice visit on the cool evening stroll. As she sat in the audience the discussions ranged from topic to topic but seemed to focus on health care concerns. There are many Medical Center professionals in West U, and one anecdote shared by a caucus-goer had to do with his job responsibility to have conversations with people about what their insurance company would and would not pay for. And how many sick people walked away from that conversation and were never seen or heard from again.

The resolutions ranged from universal health care to ending the war in Iraq to addressing global warming to seeking renewable and green energy options and on and on. Two resolutions out of about twenty-five -- one addressed the Palestinian-Israeli conflict by cutting funding for the nation of Israel -- were rejected by the caucus.

So it was frustrating and exhilarating simultaneously last night. Some left early, some stayed late, some left mad, some left thrilled.

Democracy really is like making sausage. While playing in the mud at the same time. Some like it, some don't. C'est la vie.

Be sure and read the comments at the link for some real entertainment from the bitter-ender conservatives gasping as the blue tsunami washes over their heads.