Sunday, June 30, 2024

Happy Independents Week Funnies

Thursday night's political earthquake -- for the centrist establishment (Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, I see you) -- roiled minds lodged too firmly in denial.

I mean, some of us, we been paying attention. And pointing it out.

So I couldn't stomach the thought of watching and didn't but committed the unforced error of following on Xitter while watching baseball. Which must be what getting lung cancer from second-hand smoke must feel like.

Conclusion: Easy Mission (convince America you're not ... you know) Easily Not Accomplished.
Blue MAGA rallied the cheerleaders under #StillRidinWithBiden on Friday, but Brad Friedman quickly offered a friendly suggestion before taking the week off.

Those of us who've cared for an elder parent know how difficult it is when circumstances dictate that it's time to take away the car keys or start evaluating assisted living options.

Those being the options of what we used to call the 'upper middle class'. As you may know a lot of seniors not so fortunate as Joe Biden are hitting the streets, and the SCOTUS just criminalized homelessness. Not my definition of 'assistance'.
Yeah painful. Especially when you've been whistling past the graveyard for years.

Whatever the Dims choose to do -- or don't do -- about Biden will continue to strain their laughable conflation of 'democracy'. That self-delusion does not appear to be registering on their hypocrisy meters any more than the public elder abuse of the POTUS by the FLOTUS.

Oh well. At least they're saying the election will be decided by people like me. (That's me, on the far left, in the green shirt).

Sunday, June 23, 2024

'Bumping Stocks and Hanging Ten' Funnies

"Both major-party candidates are unpalatable to the vast majority of voters. Yet most of those very same voters respond to the suggestion that they cast votes for a third-party candidate as though it were outlandish."

Will They 'Yahtzee' Willie's Catch