Sunday, October 30, 2022

Two-Party System Funnies

It's under attack. From, and by, itself.
At least at first, America’s founders famously disliked political parties, and so failed to provide for them in the Constitution. Like them or not, however, the two-party system has prevailed for 95% of our history. Given that third parties face high barriers to obtain ballot access, are shut out of televised debates and routinely denied media exposure, the duopoly is likely to be with us for the foreseeable future.

A corollary to Toqueville’s observation that a well-informed electorate is essential to democracy is that fuzziness and confusion at the ballot box means that voters cannot make an informed decision, will feel cheated and fooled, and will eventually lose faith in electoral politics altogether.

Alas, our two-party system is being corrupted by forces and reforms that trick and manipulate voters.

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Sunday, October 23, 2022

"Gas Price Wars" Funnies

This Week in Gas Prices (the Only Thing That Matters in US politics, apparently)
And the Battle for The Soul of America opens a new front ... in your mailbox.
The Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade seemed to be helping Democrats' polls as we move into the 2022 midterm elections. But Democrats don’t appear as interested in legalizing abortion on the federal level as they do in campaigning (and specifically, raising money) on the issue. It makes you wonder: do they want Republicans to mess everything up so that they get elected?
And five more.