Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Egos Have Landed Funnies

The people who say that we can’t afford social welfare programs never think affordability is a problem when it comes to police, building new prisons, or going to war.

It’s particularly aggravating when people say this about programs that will pay for themselves in the long run (as panel three mentions). “We can’t afford it” isn’t generally a real argument: It’s an excuse to avoid making an argument.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Grin and Bear It Funnies

Bobby Junior made the Texas ballot for November, and just like their Biden depression flipped to Kamala ecstasy, Lone Star Donks are suddenly under the artificially-induced delusion that Deep-In-The-Hearta is in electoral play.

It's not called the silly season for no reason. In fairness, the heat might be a contributing factor.

In unfairness, this shit right here -- already as stubborn as a skin rash -- will ratchet up if more Blue MAGA can convince the DSA sympathizers/Stockholm Syndromers that a vote for anyone but their fascist is a vote for the other fascist.
Donald Trump and JD Vance are doing their weirdest to force themselves back into the Lamestream Media's spotlight. And failing spectacularly. World Culture War Three has nuked them.
Veep Genovibes, emulating Joementia's capacity to fuck things up, made a stab at snatching defeat from the jaws of Comeback of the Century. Outcome murky; check again later.

What's not in doubt is actual foreign influence in our elections. Not Russia, China, Iran, or any of the usual suspects however.

It's not just the Zionists. There's a Meta-Musky dankness to the memes.

Images like "shrimp Jesus", an 18-wheeler overflowing with babies, or a police officer holding a massive bible while wading through floodwater are regularly going viral on Facebook, garnering tens of thousands of likes.

Investigation Finds Source of AI Slop on Facebook

Even the Brits' stiff upper lip is turning sneery about it.

"Colin A.I.-zer"
Save the orcas, hug a tree, stop the wars, either tax the billionaires or barbecue them, and FFS don't let them silence the cartoonists.