Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sunday "Bullet Points" Funnies

Another news item: The Supreme Court did not disclose its financial ties to former DHS secretary Michael Chertoff's company, which reviewed the court's Roe v. Wade leak probe.
Documents?  We got documents.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday "Selective Focus" Funnies

Let's make fun of the usual suspects: Republicans.

It seems they're still having trouble distinguishing between a climate emergency and a climate "scam". Also some confusion on their part about who's scamming them.

It's possible the elites gathered in Switzerland know the differences and are perpetuating the con.
As long as it doesn't affect their ski vacations.

While the Supreme Court came up empty on its internal leak investigation ...

... the March for Gilead carried on as a victory celebration yesterday.

Is it possible that Janet Yellen has been converted to Modern Monetary Theory?  Nah, it's just a cartoon.