Saturday, April 23, 2022

Earth Day Wrangle

I did not see as much urgency associated with the pending fate of the planet's inhabitants as a result of previous bad decisions as I expected yesterday.  I saw a lot of "Happy Earth Day", as if the occasion was akin to 'Mac and Cheese Day'.  I saw the by-now-predictable performative actions from politicians local and national.  So I'm more than a little disillusioned today.  And while I collected and posted an enormous amount of tweets that are, simply put, bad news ... it appears that's not what drove engagement on my timeline yesterday.  So rather than keep screaming into the void, I'll discard those and share a few of the things that made me feel hopeful.

Funnies tomorrow, and much more negativity in the pipeline.

Friday, April 22, 2022

"We Have Issues" Wrangle

Enough for a few subscriptions, and not just those associated with the climate emergency or the vast depth of the corruption in state government.

But that's our jumping-off point today.

This news must have been painful for Fox's Groogan to break.

Here come the tabs for Governor ASSTax's border crisis.

ProPublica's team did the digging on two decades' worth of political stuntery on the southern border, going back to Rick Perry's re-election campaigns.

But racial hatred is what Texas was fought over and founded on.  Why should we expect there to be any change after almost 200 years?

I have a lot to get to, so I'll put more Earth Day posts in a separate Wrangle.  Here's more news from the RGV.

And here are a few legal, criminal, and social justice updates.  Alex Jones hit the trifecta in this category.

Between ShotSpotter and this, it shan't be long before Mayor Sly interviews Tom Cruise to head up a local Department of PreCrime.  With Democrats like these in Texas, who needs Republicans?

Which brings me to Kim Ogg.

Ogg IS a Republican.  She won't be coming out of the closet until she runs for re-election in 2024, but the leopard's spots can't be changed.

It wasn't enough that her assistant DA defeated him in the primary last month; she wants him off the bench six months early.

Ogg has -- like so many DAs before her -- devolved into a megalomaniac.  Harris County Democrats are going to have to do better two years from now.  I'm looking at YOU, HGLBTQ Caucus.

A few more of these:

Edinburg Politics reported that the Orwellian-named Texas Privacy Act was overturned on a First Amendment violation by US Judge Robert Pittman last month.  Techdirt followed up on the amicus brief filed against Texas at the Fifth Circuit regarding free expression online.  And with some developments on women's right to choose ...

Notably, not Kim Ogg of Harris County.  More from Alternet on the tipping point of Oklahoma's abortion ban, and the Texas Signal on the Frontera Fund's promised fight.  All power to Wendy Davis and her lawsuit, but I am past the point of believing she is an effective advocate for anything.

"Texas Republicans Behaving Badly" features the usual lineup.  I'll add the cops also.

Lots more but running long so I'll close on the calm-me-downs and promise more later.