Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sunday "Past is Prologue" Funnies

Saturday, February 26, 2022

The Social Justice Wrangle from Far Left Texas

Really have too many to know where to begin, so I guess I'll start with the weather.  Which means the Freeze from last year.

"Cops Behaving Badly", and the usual suspects.

There were some good things that happened.

But K-Pax is still a corrupt and incompetent ass.

And more from the border.

Our state is failing our children.

More bad gun news.

And there's been no shortage of justice and injustice developments during Black History Month.

Some affordable (and unaffordable) housing updates:

And I'll wrap this Wrangle with the latest in the fight over school text books.

Still have some environmental news and a lot of soothers, but they will wait until tomorrow or Monday.  More political updates prior to Election Day coming as well.