Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Another Hump Day Wrangle

Elections were conducted yesterday (besides MLB's Hall of Fame, that is) and the results were announced in a reasonably timely fashion.

In other politics news ...

Cuellar also defiantly stated he would continue his re-election bid and said he expected to win the primary.  If he defeats his two progressive challengers, Jessica Cisneros and Tannya Benavides, he will face Ted Cruz acolyte Casandra Garcia in the fall.

If your weekend plans include Conroe, better rethink that.  Unless you're the FBI and plan on arresting some scofflaws.

On more positive notes:

Vistra Energy, a Texas-headquartered integrated utility and power generation company, said it wants to add another 350MW/1,400MWh BESS to the Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility in California’s Monterey Bay.

Vistra said that as Moss Landing -- itself built on the site of an existing gas power plant owned by Vistra subsidiary Dynegy -- already has development permitting in place, and has existing grid interconnection and infrastructure, it can move quickly on the proposed Phase III.

Vistra CEO Curt Morgan described Moss Landing yesterday as “a shining example of the pivot of our generation fleet toward carbon-free technologies”.

Segue-ing to the environmental takes.

A couple of labor notes:

And the criminal and social justice updates.

And the news from the lighter side, not all of it good.

Embree still writes for the Rag Blog.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Scattershots on Taco Tuesday

No particular organization here.