Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sunday "Big Bird, Little Bird" Funnies

That time a cartoon preempted the Cuban Missile Crisis

In his column looking back at past interviews, veteran journalist A. Craig Copetas remembers a time when The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends offered an alternative version of US-Soviet history.

Support a disappearing craft and give a Christmas gift subscription to your loved ones from your favorite cartoonist(s).

Friday, November 12, 2021

The Friyay Wrangle from Far Left Texas

It looks to be another glorious fall weekend in Texas, so put down your phone and close your laptop and get out of doors for some quality vitamin D, an adult beverage, some meat on a stick at a festival, or whatever floats your boat.

I've rounded up the usual suspects -- Texans behaving very, very badly -- for your leisure reading.

Maybe you prefer your news about our Lone Star lunatics with a little less snark and more calmly-delivered facts.  Here you go.

I'll take that as my segue to the climate headlines.

The Midland Reporter-Telegram says that illegal air pollution in the state dropped 54% in 2020 compared to '19, due in no small part to the pandemic.  (Most experts are already reporting that this decline will be short-lived.)  Charles Pierce of Esquire, only half-jokingly, says that Texas has probably outlawed the phrase 'environmental racism'.

Some legal updates, and the criminal and social justice/injustice news.

I'll save the politics and elections updates for tomorrow or Monday.  Here's a couple of media updates, and one soother.