Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thursday Texas Frozen Toons

Paraphrasing the little old lady at the beauty shop: "Because they won't wait for Sunday".

Still got a regular Wrangle in the chute (though it will have to be titled "Lone Star Round-up" by now).

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Texas Power Outrages

As if he doesn't know who might be responsible.

They had a couple of weeks to prepare. They could have gotten some de-icing materials from one of the state's airports. Somebody fell down on the job, and millions of Texans are suffering and at least ten in Houston alone have died.

No foresight. No 'thinking ahead'. No preparation for a 'rainy day'.

All of this incompetence ought to be bad enough to provoke some resignations, but of course we know that our Grand Old Politicos are more interested in scoring points on Twitter than they are in actually governing.

Ending this with some levity, such as it is. Still more Wrangling to come.