Monday, April 27, 2020

The Post- (or perhaps still Pre-) Apocalypse Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance has treated this week's roundup of the best blog posts, Tweets, and lefty news about and from around the Great State with Clorox and UV radiation, but that isn't going to save the oil bidness from dying of COVID-19.

Some -- among them, the nation's cartoonists -- don't have much pity.

And why should they, after all?  With men like this funding people like Abbott and Patrick ...

... our beloved Texas has become a national laughingstock.

Because there's always a conservatard watching who says, "hold my beer".

The good news is that the toonmeisters have plenty of inspiration.

There is some election news to post!

Kuff looked at the ways that election officials across the state are preparing for the July runoffs and the November general.

Unfortunately some Texas Democrats are also behaving badly:

The O&G industry -- perhaps even more than the cruise industry -- needs an enforced DNR.

SocraticGadfly had a trio of posts for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The first, with photos, looked at the past fifty years of wildlife preservation efforts — the good, the bad, the ugly.  The second said that King Hubbert was correct, using his parameters of rational, profitable exploration, that the US hit Peak Oil in 1970.  The third, per the Daniel Day-Lewis movie, said there will continue to be blood for oil.

With some criminal justice developments ...

Grits for Breakfast interprets the bizarre state Supreme Court ruling on Abbott's executive order regarding the release of non-felon violators from jail.

Food supply issues were reported in last week's Wrangle but intensified with news closer to home.

Happening today:

And on the lighter side ...

Dos Centavos is making tortillas, as we all should be right now.

Greg Abbott's press conference on restarting the state's retail economy is scheduled for this afternoon, and there are plenty more Tweets to add for a second Wrangle later this evening.