Monday, May 25, 2015

The Weekly Wrangle *updated with Texas weather conditions*

Update (Tuesday, May 26): Houston isn't as bad for me as it is for some others; there's a few limbs down in the yard and a blue kiddie pool in the middle of the street, but that's about all.  Only lost the satellite signal, not the electricity.  Didn't go out for dinner as planned.  Wife's office is closed this morning, so she'll work from home.   And a couple of posts are coming later, on the new sheriff's hirings and Bernie Sanders' campaign kickoff in Burlington, Vermont today, so don't touch that dial.

The Texas Progressive Alliance doesn't feel threatened by either Operation Jade Helm 15, or Texas biker gangs, in bringing you this Memorial weekend edition of the best lefty blog posts from across the state.

Off the Kuff takes a look behind the scenes at the deal struck between Houston's Metro and US Rep. John Culberson.

Lightseeker at Texas Kaos injects a little Colbert humor into his piece about craven Texas politicians that run away from crucial issues that will impact our future whether we like it or not. Knowing how the Titanic passengers felt...

Socratic Gadfly discusses how Pew Research's latest religious survey is another reason Democrats shouldn't make demographic assumptions about voters, in this case, Hispanic/Latino ones.

Dos Centavos also linked to an NPR article about the increasing relevance of the Latino vote for both Democrats and Republicans in the 2016 election. 

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders how Republicans can ignore real needs, promote xenophobia and violate labor standards for the DPS with one act.

Neil at All People Have Value took a walk in Houston Freedman's Town and in Galveston. He took good pictures. Everyday life is fun and interesting if you make some effort and look around. APHV is part of

WCNews at Eye on Williamson figures damn near everyone knows that our political systems are rigged. Those on the left, those on the right, and everyone in between. That frustration is being shown in many different ways all over the political spectrum. Where Left And Right Come Together.

'Mr. Tesla', according to Rep. Senfronia Thompson, was one of the biggest losers so far in the Texas Lege's 84th session. But so has been Rep. Senfronia Thompson, according to PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

From Drake's star-studded Houston Appreciation Weekend to the historic opening of two new light rail lines, Texas Leftist can say in earnest that it was a great week to be in the Bayou City.

Bluedaze publishes a letter from a pro-fracking addict who has recovered, and reminds all other addicts that a better life awaits.

Egberto Willies recounts a conversation with a conservative at a Starbucks, and the power of dialogue -- listening and talking.


More Texas blogs with posts about Texas here!

Trail Blazers has the news that the Texas House has tentatively approved funding for police body cameras.

First Reading reports that Rep. Jonathan Stickland thinks he has proof that he was set up in the Great Red Light Camera Debate of 2015.

State Impact Texas had the lowdown on this year's El Nino -- complete with a Chris Farley video --  well before the flooding in Hays County over the weekend.

The Texas Observer has a Q&A with Dawn Paley, the author of Drug War Capitalism.

Better Texas Blog looks at what's left for the Texas Lege to finish up in the few remaining days of the regular session.

The Quintessential Curmudgeon wonders if we can ever break the chokehold of Christian theocracy in the Texas Legislature.

Austin Bakes is fundraising for Nepal.

Juanita Jean wants to know what it would take to stem the open carry tide.

Paradise in Hell points out that the "Texas Miracle" has a lot in common with the "North Dakota Miracle".

RG Ratcliffe interviews conservative video hucksters Hannah Giles and Joseph Basel, ICYMI.

Texas Clean Air Matters wants to know why our state's leadership is more concerned about the success of other states than they are about Texas.

Mark Bennett examines the criminal defense situation in Waco following the Twin Peaks shootings.

The Texas Election Law Blog highlights an actual case of alleged vote fraud in Weslaco, which like every other case of vote fraud we've seen would not have been prevented by voter ID.

Mike Collier notes that taxes are going up while the quality of schools and roads are going down.

And Talking Points Memo has an interview with the fellow organizing the Golden Triangle Militia in Orange County, David W. Smith.

Memorial Day Toons

Never Forget...