Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Water Wars are coming

Not Texas versus Mexico, or even Texas versus New Mexico. But West Texans against the frackers.

Fracking (and the drought) are winning, and Texans are losing.

How dry is it in Texas? So dry some residents are wishing for a hurricane to replenish the aquifer. So dry that many Texans are now against using water to frack for oil, which is famously called Texas Tea.

Every fracking job requires several million gallons of water. “Only about 20 percent to 25 percent on average of the water is recovered, while the rest disappears underground, never to be seen again.” Fracking is probably not the wisest use of water anywhere, but in a drought it’s downright self-destructive.

Update: More from Daily Kos, AMERICAblog, and Texas Monthly with some photos.

Monday, August 12, 2013

And starring Greg Abbott as Dr. Strangelove

Damn Captain Kroc at McBlogger beat me to it, so I guess I'll just have to post some pictures.

This isn't mean or even tacky. I would wager most Texans -- hell, most Republican primary voters -- aren't aware the man is a stone-cold fascist in a wheelchair.

This is "Separated at Birth" satire, that's all.

If you find this offensive but find this hilarious, then it might be you that's the problem.

Just public domain images. Plain vanilla Google search.

You don't suppose he can tap his foot as he plays guitar, like Bob Roberts could, do ya? (OK, that was mean.)

Abbott isn't bothered by the "cripple" jokes, so why should you be? And If you still think this is mean, then just wait and see what's coming over the next year-and-a-quarter. It might be enough to make you cry.