Monday, July 01, 2013

High Noon

The appearance by the former Dixie Chick is greatly anticipated. You know, I barely cared much for any country music (except for outlaws like Cash and Coe) before the Chicks burst on the scene in the late '90's. This is still one of my favorites; I hope those on the South Steps today get to hear it.

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance stands with Wendy as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff points to two recent polls about abortion to note that the people really aren't asking for more restrictions on reproductive choice.

Horwitz of Texpatriate asks the question on everyone's minds: will the Senate Democrats stay or go in the second special session?

Rick Perry thought he learned more from the life of Wendy Davis than she did, so he mansplained it to an anti-choice organization last week. And even Joe Straus was appalled. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs observed that this mansplaining business is a much more common form of testosterone poisoning than anyone previously knew.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson says it was a bad week for voting rights, in A sad day in the United States.

At TexasKaos, Libby Shaw tells about The Night Texas Turned Blue. Wendy Davis made us all proud.

This week at McBlogger, Cap'n Kroc has a message of welcome for the people newly energized by the Filicluster.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme hails the Supreme Court ruling on DOMA, but check out what it really means in a state like Texas.

The Ghost of Sam Houston makes an appearance at Darth Politico to talk Wendy Davis, Democracy, the rule of law, and the importance of civil disobedience.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Jim Rigby pens an open letter to the women of Texas.

Iain Simpson contemplates the connection between whistleblowing and civil disobedience.

BOR explains what the SCOTUS decision on UT's admissions policy means.

State representative Mark Strama announced his plans for the future.

Nonsequiteuse places the blame for Tuesday's debacle in the Senate where it belongs, and reminds us that the fight is far from over.

Lone Star Ma also stands with Wendy.

Mark Bennett gives the ten commandments of courtroom humor.

Andrea Grimes explains to people outside Texas why they should never write us off.

Texagain and Rachel Farris document their experiences in the Senate chamber during the Davis filibuster.

Concerned Citizens thinks Sen. Davis should run for lt. governor, not governor.

Harold Cook updates us on the latest Republican minority outreach program.