Here we are in August, there has yet to be a named disturbance in the tropics (knock on wood) and it's time for another Texas Progressive Alliance blog roundup.
TXsharon at
BlueDaze needs your help to
expose this dirty video.
CouldBeTrue of
South Texas Chisme calls out KBH and the GOP for using
racism and the NRA to get out the vote in 2010. Having a competent, experienced Latina judge? Not important.
Off the Kuff reminds us that Governor Perry's consistently wrong decisions regarding unemployment insurance will cost the state
two billion dollars, maybe more.
McBlogger takes a look at a lawsuit against TRS and discovers losses, possible corruption and a nightmarish problem for the Republicans in 2010.
John Coby at
Bay Area Houston says
you better think before you trust a Republican with your family's health care.Mean Rachel decides that Democratic gubernatorial candidate is still too
Bush League for her tastes.
Our governor is living the life of the rich and famous. He does so on our dime and on the "dimes" of his fat cat contributors. Libby Shaw gives us the ugly details over at
Our Kept Governor to the Unemployed: Eat Cake.
Why did Ciro Rodriguez vote against the Waxman-Markey climate change bill
and then suddenly flee the House? And why is he taking
grip-and-grin meetings with David Dewhurst? PDiddie at
Brains and Eggs would really like to know.
Vince at
Capitol Annex tells why he believes that the smart money is on
Rick Perry picking David Dewhurst to replace Kay Bailey Hutchison if she resigns before the end of the year.
Neil at
Texas Liberal posted a video he made that will take only
39 seconds your life to watch. He also made a post marking the
third anniversary of his blog. Texas Liberal has run 1500 page views a day so far this year and had racked-up over 725,000 views since it began. Thank you blog reading public!
WhosPlayin notes that the city of Lewisville
is cancelling its Cinco de Mayo celebration for 2010 due to budgetary concerns.
Dembones at
Eye On Williamson points out Congressman John Carter's latest nuttiness:
Franking Commission draws the line on Rep. Carter.
Mike Thomas at
Rhetoric & Rhythm reviews Debra Medina's campaign video and deems her the
Sarah Palin of South Texas.
Teddy of
Left of College Station was forced to evacuate his home in Bryan due to a
warehouse fire that was burning toxic materials, but was able to return the next day. Before the evacuation Teddy was able to write about Michael Vick’s return to the NFL, and whether or not he deserves a
second chance. LoCS also covers the
local and progressive events in the Bryan-College Station area this month.
If nuclear power companies are already having trouble with their credit ratings, why are Texans rushing to throw them billions for plants that even the builders can't finance themselves?
Good question, says Citizen Sarah at
Texas Vox.