Didn't the Republicans who turned to Rush Limbaugh read the poll which found that he's one of the least popular political figures in the country?
An October 24, 2008, poll conducted by the Democratic research firm Greenberg-Quinlan-Rosner has Rush Limbaugh enjoying a public-approval rating of just 21 percent among likely voters, while 58 percent have "cold" feelings toward the right-wing radio-talk-show host. Limbaugh's cold rating was higher than that of all the political figures the firm polled. It was seven points higher than Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright and eight points higher than former Weather Underground domestic terrorist (sic) William Ayers. ...
Limbaugh is so unpopular that only 44 percent of Republican voters reported "warm" feelings toward him, ten points less than those who felt the same way about Limbaugh's top competitor, Fox News' Sean Hannity, and a full 20 points lower than Fox News itself. Yet in spite of rock-bottom favorable numbers, Limbaugh confidently declared one week after Obama's inauguration that his power far exceeded that of the Republican Party's top two leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives. Obama, Limbaugh roared, is "obviously more frightened of me than he is Mitch McConnell. He's more frightened of me, than he is of, say, John Boehner, which doesn't say much about our party."
Obama seems unfazed by El Rushbo. The president recently implored Republican leaders, "You can't listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done."
Despite Limbaugh's low popularity ratings, congressional Republicans are so intimidated by his perceived influence that even the most resentful members shamelessly grovel at his feet. He might have alienated vast sectors of the Republican base, but Limbaugh still commands an army of self-proclaimed "Dittoheads" who represent the party's most politically fervent, ideologically extreme, and easily shepherded element. This is a faction that flood the party's elected representatives' offices with phone calls, and which they believe they cannot afford to offend.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Polling finds Limbaugh less popular than Ayers or Wright
(Now why would they do a silly thing like 'read'?)
Friday, February 06, 2009
Friday Postpourri
-- Somebody at the White House is paying attention to those of us who want Obama to start punching back.
-- The nascent movement to call on President Obama to ask Howard Dean to direct Health and Human Services picks up steam.
-- The Ninth Circuit ruled yesterday that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.
-- Best health wishes to Justice Ginsberg.
-- Leon Panetta, at his confirmation hearing, in response to the terrorist threats of Dick Cheney earlier this week:
"I was disappointed by those comments, because the implication is that somehow this country is more vulnerable to attack because the president of the United States wants to abide by the law and the Constitution. I think we’re a stronger nation when we abide by the law and the Constitution."
Some people can be just soooo much calmer in their reactions to arrogant ignorance than I. I admire that. He also promises the end of extraordinary rendition.
-- Alexandra Pelosi has prepared another documentary, this one of the spectacular fall from grace of Ted Haggard, but I'm pretty sure she makes no mention of this.
-- This photo of the Congressional Republicans announcing their opposition to the American economy reminds me of chickens in the barnyard, all looking in a different direction. What, can't you see their heads bobbing and neck wattles flapping? (And John Boehner needs to stay away from Light Bulb Beach.)
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