Sunday, November 11, 2007

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month

In 1918, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month, after four years of bitter war, an armistice between the Allied powers and Germany went into effect, bringing the fighting of World War I to a close. Today we celebrate the anniversary of that cessation as Veterans Day.

More than 1.5 million men and women have served in Iraq and Afghanistan so far, and every one of them volunteered. As Tom Lynch, a military fellow at the Brookings Institution, said:

"Perhaps never before in American history have so few done so much for so long."

For many newly-returned troops, this is their first Veterans Day spent as veterans. Help welcome them home by attending a local Veterans Day event ...

The Veterans for Peace (VFP) Chapter 12, Houston will be marching in the Veteran’s Day Parade through downtown Houston on Sunday, November 11. The parade will last from approximately 12:30 PM until 1:30 PM. VFP would like a strong turnout behind our flag and banner to show the citizens of Houston that we are pro peace in an unprecedented time of war and turmoil. Please join us today.

Assembly Time: Between 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Assembly Place: Corner of Prairie and Louisiana
Entry Name: Veterans for Peace
Entry Number: 120
Complimentary Parking; In any of the Theatre District Garages

... or if you know a vet personally, take a moment and thank them.

You can write your own message of thanks to our veterans by clicking here.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Norman Mailer 1923 - 2007

Mailer at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. He wrote series of articles for Esquire on the 1968 Democratic and Republican conventions which were the basis for his book “Miami and the Siege of Chicago.”

Gore Vidal, with whom he frequently wrangled, once wrote: “Mailer is forever shouting at us that he is about to tell us something we must know or has just told us something revelatory and we failed to hear him or that he will, God grant his poor abused brain and body just one more chance, get through to us so that we will know. Each time he speaks he must become more bold, more loud, put on brighter motley and shake more foolish bells. Yet of all my contemporaries I retain the greatest affection for Norman as a force and as an artist. He is a man whose faults, though many, add to rather than subtract from the sum of his natural achievements.”