Monday, September 03, 2007
The Weekly Wrangle
In the opening part of his in-depth series on the policies of the Democratic presidential candidates, Phillip Martin at Burnt Orange Report examines where the candidates fall on issues concerning energy and the environment. From their stance on CAFE standards to new coal plants, to renewable energy and greenhouse emissions, the post provides a well-sourced comparison of all eight of the candidates' platforms.
Texas Toad at North Texas Liberal lets us know that, even after the resignation of embattled attorney general Alberto Gonzales, Texas' unpopular Sen. John Cornyn is still defending Bush's crony.
As Bush prepares to ask Congress for $200 billion in supplemental spending, TXsharon at Bluedaze tells us just who the Iraq War Profiteers are.
Muse at Musings live-blogs NASA administrator Michael Griffin's press conference about astronauts and alcohol use and finds his "sensationalism" and "urban legend" accusations of the independent commission's report a little tiresome. Not to mention defensive.
Over at Texas Kaos, in "Clinton Did Nothing to Stop Bin Laden" Is a GOP Lie, Krazypuppy takes on the Republican frame that Democrats are soft on terror with some of them facts we in the Reality-Based Community are always on about. As one commenter notes, Dems aren't weak on terror, they're weak on Republicans. Time for that to change -- for America's sake, Iran's sake, and the entire world's sake.
Someone shoved a press release under Hal at Half Empty's nose: Ron E. Reynolds will challenge Dora Olivo for state Representative in HD 27.
WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on TxDOT's plan to buy back interstate highways from the federal government and put tolls on them and asks Will TxDOT' Plan To Toll Interstates Be the Tipping Point?
The last public hearing prior to METRO choosing a route for its Universities light rail line was this past Tuesday. Alexandria Ragsdale attended the hearing, made her statement in favor of a Richmond Avenue alignment, and blogged all about it at Off The Kuff. shares correspondence with his congressman urging the avoidance of pre-emptive war against Iran and shares a study regarding the administration's probable plans on the matter.
John at Bay Area Houston claims the recent changes to the Texas Residential Construction Commission makes it the most expensively worthless commission in Texas.
Vince at Capitol Annex examines some interesting questions raised by the lawsuit against the changes to the pledge to the Texas flag made by the 80th Legislature.
Unchecked development in Texas now threatens the continued long-term existence of an iconic bird species, the whooping crane, notes Peter at B & B.
CouldBeTrue at South Texas Chisme shows how El Paso women are taking a stand against NAFTA. These courageous women staged a hunger strike for the Labor Day weekend to bring attention to the loss of American jobs due to NAFTA.
And, McBlogger will be celebrating a birthday soon and has some conveniet gift ideas for everyone.
Be sure to check out these other great Texas Progressive Alliance blogs, too: Brains & Eggs, Casual Soap Box, Common Sense, Dos Centavos, Easter Lemming Liberal News, Feet To Fire, In The Pink Texas, Marc's Miscellany, People's Republic of Seabrook, Rhetoric & Rhythm, Three Wise Men, Truth Serum Blog, Winding Road In Urban Area, and Wyld Card.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
The Texas Democratic Party's e-Primary
I voted, but I really agree more with this, from my inbox (author anonymous, for now):
The Dallas Morning News correctly describes the "Democratic e-Primary" as an attempt to get in on the Presidential "sweepstakes". Indeed, this is an artifact of money-driven politics. One problem is that, if one accepts the logic of money-driven politics -- an auction instead of a primary -- we should have stopped months ago and fallen in behind ... Hillary CLINTON!
But these fools are trying desperately to deliver Texas for John EDWARDS! He is a good man, still a contender, but very poorly served in Texas by flunkies of "Politico" Martin FROST.
Of course, the party elite also want to protect incumbents like the "Craddick Democrats" and "Bush-Dogs" in and around the party by subverting primary election participation generally and creating a "bandwagon" effect within the precinct, county/district, and state conventions.
The underlying logic of all this is "that's the way we have always done it!" Actually, "always" is simply during a few recent decades of decline presided over by a self-perpetuating party establishment in Austin. Still, superficially, this is a "high-tech innovation".
So maybe the fools running this party will find a "pony" some day. But by mocking the GOP publicly while laying-up baskets for them to tip-in, the Weimar Democrats -- no offense to Colorado County intended -- have done nothing for decades but help keep a fundamentally blue state red.
In any case …
- The e-Primary is wide open to GOP participation and thus runs counter to Texas' "closed primary" statutes.
- The e-Primary is open to persons ineligible to vote in Texas but having access to computers in Belarus, thus running counter to even the Texas Constitution.
- The e-Primary is closed to Democrats who lack access to private digital network facilities, usually by virtue of economic circumstances, and thus violates state and national party "inclusiveness" rules.
- The e-Primary uses primitive internet technology and thus violates state and national party strictures against insecure electronic voting.
- The e-Primary plainly violates Article XII of the state party rules incorporating the ban on a "straw vote" in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Once again, caught flat-footed by the secretive staff and worn out by the Chair's usual time-wasting and diversions, nobody on the poorly-attended SDEC raised the least objection to this ridiculous move. It is not clear that it has the sanction of any national candidate authority.
So, what to do?
- Submission
- Temporary restraining order
- Boycott and ridicule
- "Gaming”
- Hacking and sabotage
I guess I am a moderate or centrist, so personally I will settle for boycott and ridicule. Hopefully, Ron PAUL will swamp the GOP "Straw Poll" event and grab the headlines.
Nonetheless, it is increasingly evident that the fools running this party are wasting Fred BARON's money and doing John EDWARDS no good at all by attempting to manipulate Democratic voters only to play into the hands of the GOP with stupid stunts.
Ouch. That's going to leave a mark, Boyd.