Sunday, September 02, 2007

"We're going to hit Iran. Big time."

I have a friend who is an LSO on a carrier attack group that is planning and staging a strike group deployment into the Gulf of Hormuz. (LSO: Landing Signal Officer- she directs carrier aircraft while landing) She told me we are going to attack Iran. She said that all the Air Operation Planning and Asset Tasking are finished. That means that all the targets have been chosen, prioritized, and tasked to specific aircraft, bases, carriers, missile cruisers and so forth.

I asked her why she is telling me this.

Her answer was really amazing.

Try not to let this ruin your weekend.

Update (9/4): The diary linked above has -- according to one of the site's administrators -- been taken down by the author. (You can read an expanded, yet still incomplete, excerpt here.) This development appeared to follow some ridicule by a right wing blog, and some upbraiding by the Great Orange Satan himself.

Duncan Hunter surges to victory in Texas

It is to laugh. Heartily.

Via STC, two corporate media blogs (well, one's a blog, anyway) in the Metroplex have the play-by-play of yesterday's Texas GOP straw poll. Choicest excerpts:

As we eagerly await announcement of the straw poll results, the delegates are watching a video tribute to Ronald Reagan. It started with Dick Cheney talking about the former president, but before he said a word, boos erupted at the mere sight of the vice president. Then, other Republicans starting cheering to drown them out. And then, of course, the boos got louder, and one particularly boom-voiced Republican shouted: "National shame!"

With two police escorts on bicycles, Ron Paul's supporters finished their march to the Convention Center and are now rallying outside the delegates' entrance. Several buses and RVs passed by covered in Ron Paul signs.

According to one of our correspondents, a live monkey could clearly be seen in the window of one of the Ron Paul RVs.

No comment.

The Biggest Losers: Duncan Hunter, 534 votes for 41%. Frederick of Hollywood, 266 votes, 20.5%. Ron Paul, 217 votes, 16.7%. 1300 total votes cast.

I just peed a little from laughing so hard.

IVR Polls has a better snapshot of who Texas Republicans favor, and it likewise appears to be the almost-about-to-declare elderly actor. The math of the timing of his announcement is most revealing.

Here's a video of Ron Paul's supporters being turned away from the Fort Worth convention center, where the poll was being conducted:

And just to put the last loony cherry on top, apparently Cindy Sheehan is a Ron Paul supporter.