Saturday, May 20, 2006

The TDP Blogger's Caucus website

is fully operational. Thanks to Vince at Capitol Annex and Anna at annatopia for all their hard work.

Go give it a look. If you blog and plan on being in Fort Worth the second weekend of June, apply for press credentials.

We'll have a big get-together Friday evening the 9th at the Flying Saucer, with many candidates, staff, blogmeisters and groupies in attendance. This will be the most important party of the convention. No kidding.

Friday, May 19, 2006


( I stole that headline from Abram.)

-- regarding this earlier spleen-venting of mine, Hizzoner followed up with a webcast that filled in many of the details that were missing from Monday. Though I skipped it, this was by all accounts a much better marketing effort.

-- just completed another conference call with the folks at the Texas Freedom Network regarding their efforts toward shedding the light of day on the TaliBaptists and Christianists trying to take over our state government. And if you haven't read the Leininger interview at Texas Monthly, go do so now. There's a freak that knows how to frame.

-- tonight there's a local political rally featuring all of our statewide candidates except Chris Bell, who'll be busy at the opening of the "The Big Buy". There's a very good interview with him also in Texas Monthly. A fun-filled Friday night ahead (unless you're a Republican, of course).

More in-depth posting over the weekend.