Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Rove's Last Stand

(From Billmon. Full size image here.)

Some suggest it's best to wait and see

on Judge Roberts. Some advocating letting him slide on in -- "Let's pick another battle", they say.

I call bullshit.

See, John Roberts is a hack. He's only been a judge for two years. He has been a partisan Republican hack for twenty years.

The Bush administration accelerated the nomination of John Roberts in order to deflect attention from Karl Rove. Really, it makes sense. One partisan hack is taking the heat off another.

Bush was selected by the Supreme Court, and now he selects a member of his campaign team to the Supreme Court in order to draw the media's attention away from the ethics violations (and felonies, most likely) by the architect of his campaign.

Partisan hackery -- old-style, Tammany Hall patronage -- at its purest.

The Supreme Court is not a tool to help deflect attention from the crimes of those who helped (s)elect you. The Supreme Court is not a place for partisan hacks. The Bush administration however, in its continuous can-you-top-this hubris, believes it can be. In fact, it is using the Supreme Court as presidents have previously used ambassadorships. This is just today's example of how fealty is prized above all else -- more important than felonious, treasonous leaks, more important than the Constitution or the rule of law, more important than people's lives.

And so this is our fight -- country over partisanship.