Monday, November 01, 2021

The Dia de Los Muertos Wrangle from Far Left Texas

Or go with All Saints Day if you prefer.

There's an important case being heard at the SCOTUS this morning.

Don't wait to see if the Supremes are capable of doing the right thing for women (they aren't).  Take action into your own hands.

Oh, and tomorrow is Election Day.

Meanwhile, Democrats in Virginia are panicking.

Much hay will be made inside the Beltway among the chattering class if Terry McAuliffe fumbles the governorship away.

On to the climate news, where there is also a very important meeting of very important people in Glasgow, Scotland taking place.

I'll go long on #COP26 later; here's a few more Lone Star updates.

And some of the criminal and social justice developments.

Thwarting Nazis is turning into a full-time effort.

Enough of that.  The calm-me-downs: