Monday, September 13, 2021

The Monday Morning Wet Wrangle from Far Left Texas

A bit of a scattershot postpourri this morning, between catching up and clearing out the bookmarks.

It's not just the companies who won't be coming here now, or even the ones leaving; it's the ones we'll be stuck with (as long as we keep patronizing them, that is).

Wrapping up another bad week for the governor, whether he knows, cares, or not.

He's not worried.  He doesn't care what anyone thinks, and the Lege is about to solidify their control -- and that of the Congress -- for another ten years.

Thank goodness we have a strong, unified, Democratic Party in charge in Washington, ready to take bold, decisive action for the people.

And also in Austin.  ICYMI ...

Oh well.  Maybe in 2028.  Or 2032.

Coastal Texas, and poor Cajun country, is going to get awfully wet this week so I thought I'd collect a few storm-related posts before we get washed away again.

And since I'm in a historical frame of mind ...