Thursday, May 27, 2021

Petty, Party of Two

Late hours, extreme fatigue, frayed nerves, the old push me/pull you between the far right and the freak right is worth a laugh.

Not as funny as eating flies crawling into your mouth, though.

We understood a long while ago that Kremlin Toad Cruz was not human; there's just no need for him to keep proving it.  He can't help himself.

Every single time he tweets, he is savaged.  But it's interpreted by him, and his lickspittles, as "triggering/owning the libs".  It IS a game, we're all playing it, he thinks he's winning.

Apropos of nothing except more of our TXGOP leadership behaving badly ... are Angela and Ken Paxton in an open marriage?

She's working long, late hours under Dan Patrick's tutelege while he's ... doing whatever this is.  The AGTX was previously reported as flinging with a woman whom he referred to one of his rich contributors for a job, which became more grist for his corruption mill.  "Recommitted to his marriage", as the link from six months ago says, does not seem reflected in these photos.

That's enough mockery at these clowns' expense.

I now return you to your regular "Republicans Behaving Badly" programming.  Back under the Pink Dome, as Sine Die bears down ...

"You'll be invoiced for our expenses from our negligence that resulted in your neighbors freezing to death.  Sorry, that's capitalism; some win, others lose."

"Oh by the way, we have openings for unpaid internships for the special session.  Please have your young, attractive daughters and nieces apply now."

Be sure and read Phillip Martin's tweet attached to that thread.

I suppose I'll stop there, though I could post some more.  Maybe later; it's early and our representatives and senators are still asleep.  Mostly.

Oh hell, here's a few more petty pairings.

Still more to come.  My ever-lengthening environmental post, a collation of "cruelty is the point" of this legislative session and a few others.  Just feel the need for some cleansers right now.