Monday, March 29, 2021

The Weekly Wrangle from Far Left Texas

The Lege is holding many hearings on various bills this morning, and there's a lot of play-by-play under the hashtag.

The Dallas Observer warns of the threat to voters with disabilities in the Legislature's vote suppression bills. Ballot Access News reports that state Rep. Phil King's HB1848 would allow the governor, lieutenant governor, and House speaker to change the date of the 2022 primaries, in case census data needed for redistricting is too late for the state to hold its regularly-scheduled March primary. They could choose a date as late as July 1, 2022.

Moving the (primary elections) to a later date would have big consequences for ballot access petitioning in 2022. Petitions for independent candidates and new parties can’t begin until after the primary.

Lots and lots more for tomrrow morning, including updates to the above, some criminal justice news, and more Republicans behaving badly, but today -- tonight, this is the evening update -- let's relish the mockery of Ted Cruz's latest stunts at the border.