Thursday, October 01, 2020

Sleepy Joe versus The Volcano

I put off this post-mortem as long as possible, because honestly, who looks forward to cleaning up projectile vomit?  But the toonmeisters have come to my rescue once again.

(Apropos of barely anything: some of you may remember this, but Beaumont was one of Gallagher's favorite stops when he was still touring.)

There were plenty of shitshow moments, but "Shut Up Man" and "Stand Down and Stand By" will be the ones remembered the longest.

There's always a backlash, as they say.

Turning point?  Pivotal moment?  I suppose we'll see polling reflecting something soon.  In the meantime, I want to blog twice more; a Far Left Texas Roundup (update, 10/3: this will wait for its usual Monday publication) and a White House Race posting that doesn't mention these two.