This week's lefty blog post roundup is heavy on Harvey news. Below you'll find a link to help out with a donation to your favorite relief effort, but something given to the American Red Cross -- you can text the word HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation -- or the United Way Houston Relief Fund is always appreciated.
The Texas Progressive Alliance "welcomes" Donald Trump toHouston Texas tomorrow, and has no expectation of his doing anything but grandstanding and photo-opping with Greg Abbott. We hope they both evacuate the city quickly once they're done. Update: One no Trump here.
Houston's real estate developers -- the people whocoined used terms like '500-year flood' coined by the USGS to sell swampland as the place to build the home of your dreams -- and their corresponding replacement of prairie wetlands with concrete and asphalt have left the nation's fourth-largest city vulnerable to catastrophic flooding. More than 6,000 pleadings for rescue from rising waters came into Houston's 911 call center as of 5 p.m. yesterday. And the dams holding back the reservoir water in what are now the western suburbs are old and beaten up, but still provide the last line of defense for the heart of the 181-year-old Bayou City.
Houston, though, gets a little too much of the nation's attention because of its size and importance to the state. Corpus Christi, Rockport, and surrounding communities bore the brunt of Harvey's fury, and these photos illustrate the suffering of those living there and the wisdom of evacuating from wind and surge. Wendy Lane Cook has good memories of, and good wishes for, the city and people of Rockport as they deal with the effects of Hurricane Harvey.
Those who are hurting the most are always those with the least to lose, most often people of color and the seniors, the disabled, and their communities. I personally find my empathy somewhat lacking for the rich people's problems I've been reading about.
Here's more Texas blog posts and news.
Off the Kuff celebrates the legal demise of Texas' awful voter ID law.
SocraticGadfly looks at the antifascism movement, and thinks a lot of it is the old Black Bloc, repackaged.
Senator Ted Cruz goes all in for symbols of racism and slavery. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme suggests checking out Beto O'Rourke, who is running against him.
There was a lot of news being broken elsewhere while Harvey was banging walls, and PDiddie at Brains and Eggs collected some of it.
San Antonio is welcoming evacuees and sending support groups to areas south and east as requested, according to the Rivard Report.
Texas Monthly's Daily Post offers some ways you can help the victims of Hurricane Harvey -- the kids, the pets, people with medical needs, the homeless, the displaced.
Houstonia features the unsung heroes of Harvey: the first responders, the volunteers, and the media.
ProPublica collaborated with the Texas Tribune to explain why Houston wasn't ready for Harvey.
The Anti-Media aggregated some of the before and after-Harvey pictures of Houston roads and bayous that have been circulating on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.
The Lewisville Texan Journal reports that the Denton County Republican Party passed a unanimous resolution demanding all Texas GOP state representatives withdraw their support of Speaker Joe Straus.
Grits for Breakfast rounds up some compelling criminal justice news from around the state.
In a righteous rant, Stace at Dos Centavos goes off on Democrats, pointing out that it's not just about Trump pardoning that fiend Joe Arpaio.
Amy Howe, via SCOTUSblog, summarizes where we stand in terms of the latest developments in the Texas congressional redistricting court decisions and appeals. Michael Li analyzes the ruling of intentional discrimination in the statehouse redistricting, and RG Ratcliffe explains how that ruling could affect Speaker Straus' future.
Paradise in Hell translates Trump's Phoenix speech.
And jobsanger liked it better when Harvey was a six-foot-tall invisible rabbit.
The Texas Progressive Alliance "welcomes" Donald Trump to
Houston's real estate developers -- the people who
Houston, though, gets a little too much of the nation's attention because of its size and importance to the state. Corpus Christi, Rockport, and surrounding communities bore the brunt of Harvey's fury, and these photos illustrate the suffering of those living there and the wisdom of evacuating from wind and surge. Wendy Lane Cook has good memories of, and good wishes for, the city and people of Rockport as they deal with the effects of Hurricane Harvey.
Those who are hurting the most are always those with the least to lose, most often people of color and the seniors, the disabled, and their communities. I personally find my empathy somewhat lacking for the rich people's problems I've been reading about.
Here's more Texas blog posts and news.
Off the Kuff celebrates the legal demise of Texas' awful voter ID law.
SocraticGadfly looks at the antifascism movement, and thinks a lot of it is the old Black Bloc, repackaged.
Senator Ted Cruz goes all in for symbols of racism and slavery. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme suggests checking out Beto O'Rourke, who is running against him.
There was a lot of news being broken elsewhere while Harvey was banging walls, and PDiddie at Brains and Eggs collected some of it.
San Antonio is welcoming evacuees and sending support groups to areas south and east as requested, according to the Rivard Report.
Texas Monthly's Daily Post offers some ways you can help the victims of Hurricane Harvey -- the kids, the pets, people with medical needs, the homeless, the displaced.
Houstonia features the unsung heroes of Harvey: the first responders, the volunteers, and the media.
ProPublica collaborated with the Texas Tribune to explain why Houston wasn't ready for Harvey.
The Anti-Media aggregated some of the before and after-Harvey pictures of Houston roads and bayous that have been circulating on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.
The Lewisville Texan Journal reports that the Denton County Republican Party passed a unanimous resolution demanding all Texas GOP state representatives withdraw their support of Speaker Joe Straus.
Grits for Breakfast rounds up some compelling criminal justice news from around the state.
In a righteous rant, Stace at Dos Centavos goes off on Democrats, pointing out that it's not just about Trump pardoning that fiend Joe Arpaio.
Amy Howe, via SCOTUSblog, summarizes where we stand in terms of the latest developments in the Texas congressional redistricting court decisions and appeals. Michael Li analyzes the ruling of intentional discrimination in the statehouse redistricting, and RG Ratcliffe explains how that ruling could affect Speaker Straus' future.
Paradise in Hell translates Trump's Phoenix speech.
And jobsanger liked it better when Harvey was a six-foot-tall invisible rabbit.