Monday, June 06, 2016

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance celebrates the life and achievements of Muhammad Ali as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff wonders if Dan Patrick will ever take the time to meet with a transgender person.

Libby Shaw at Daily Kos sharply notes that while Houston drowns, the state's top GOP leadership remains fixated on potty rooms. Earth to the Three Texas Stooges: People don't drown and die in bathrooms.

SocraticGadfly reviews a new book about Muhammad Ali's relationship with Malcolm X.

Regular monsoons (and decisions made long ago by fossil fuel companies and real estate developers) aren't the only things lately making Texas a terrible place to be. A Republican party held unaccountable by their voters, and a Democratic Party that suffers generational battered-wife syndrome, contribute to what PDiddie at Brains and Eggs calls the misery that is Texas.

What's the matter with Corpus Christi's water supply? CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders.

The new Denton County Precinct 3 Government Center opened last week, reports the Lewisville Texan Journal.

Humble ISD parents pass along a letter to Egberto Willies regarding the hiring of school superintendent Elizabeth Fagen from a parent in her previous school district.

Andrea Greer at Burnt Orange Report asks if Harris County Democrats are going to let Republicans pick the next county commissioner.

Clear Lake-area Democrats are ready to celebrate with Hillary Clinton Tuesday evening, invites John Coby at Bay Area Houston.

Neil at All People Have Value completed 8 days of jury duty this past week and was glad that he did. APHV is part of


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Make West Texas Great Again has the challenge from a Lubbock talk radio host (and Republican) to Lt. Governor Dan Patrick for a public debate on "school choice".

Erika Greider at Burkablog writes about Greg Abbott's Trump problem.

The Houston Press follows the latest on Judge Andrew Hanen, where attorneys have asked the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to deny his demand for the signatures of 50,000 undocumented persons.

Somervell County Salon's latest Ruminations for the Easily Amused mentioned Hillary Clinton's IT guy pleading the 5th, and the latest misadventures of Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton.

The Trinity Railway Express may expand its D-FW service, notes the Fort Worth Star Telegram's 'Your Commute' blog.

Expat Texan Elise Hu-Stiles sees freedom from a different perspective these days.

Scott Braddock considers the Trump effect on legislative races.

The Lunch Tray looks back on six years of blogging.

Iris Dimmick reports on Pride Month activities in San Antonio.

Ashton Woods and Monica Roberts respond to a homophobic op-ed in the Houston Forward Times.

Michael Hardy contemplates the Sugar Land Selfie Statue.

And Houstonia checks in with 2010 GOP gubernatorial also-ran Debra Medina.