Monday, April 07, 2014

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance welcomes President Obama to Texas -- for commemorations that are both happy and sad -- as it brings you this week's roundup of the best lefty blog posts from last week.

Off the Kuff analyzes precinct data in Harris County from the Democratic and Republican primary elections.

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos learns Greg Abbott has not only invited creeps to advise his campaign, but he has also brought a Tom DeLay-minted crook on board.

Too many Texans who need health insurance are intentionally being kept from getting it. WCNews at Eye on Williamson wants to make sure everyone knows that if you don't have health care in Texas, blame Rick Perry and the Texas GOP.

The social policies of Charles Murray, whom the Southern Poverty Law Center has identified as a white nationalist, serve as inspiration for Greg Abbott's education reform proposal. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs is shocked and awed that Abbott is making so many critical mistakes in his gubernatorial campaign.

Texas Democrats haven't claimed a statewide elected office in 20 years, but after a rousing bus tour Texas Leftist is convinced that pharmacist, state senator extraordinaire, and lieutenant governor candidate Leticia Van de Putte has the prescription to change that.

Neil at All People Have Value offers the view that courtesy and a sense of self-worth without a feeling of superiority is a form of resistance in our society. All People Have Value is part of

Kingwood Area Democrat Karen Menke wrote a timely op-ed in the Kingwood Observer about women's rights, reprinted at

Texpatriate releases an April Fool's day issue of The Houston New Post.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Texas Redistricting charts the components of population change in twelve Texas counties.

Scott Braddock reports that some legislators are concerned that schools will not have the funds to implement some mandated reforms.

Jason Stanford explains how Texas women can win on equal pay.

Juanita Jean can't help but see the face of Tom DeLay in today's Congress.

Dutch Small celebrated at the wedding reception of Houston Mayor Annise Parker and her wife Kathy Hubbard.

Christopher Hooks tries to pierce the conservative persecution complex that surrounds Republican SD-02 candidate Bob Hall.

M1EK has a simple suggestion for where to locate a rail line.