The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks Ted Nugent is an appropriate spokesman for the modern Republican Party of Texas as it brings you this week's roundup.
Off the Kuff analyzes the turnout issue for Democrats in 2014.
WCNews at Eye on Williamson on the Round Rock members of the Lege reporting to the local business lobby, while leaving out the issues that matter most to the people in their districts, in Schwertner, Gonzales, & Dale Go To The Chamber.
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is appalled at Texas Republicans holding a faux hearing on women's health care. Give it up. Republicans have waged a real war against women and their health care. You're not fooling anyone.
It's Ted Nugent's (Texas Republican) party, and we just have to live with it, noted the Texas Observer -- and excerpted by PDiddie at Brains and Eggs. But there were also problemas grandes para Dan Patrick last week.
Texpatriate endorses John Whitmire in the Democratic primary for State Senate District 15.
Neil at All People Have Value was prompted by a visit to Galveston to reflect that we can choose to view ourselves in life on the mainland, on an island or at sea. All People Have Value is part of
And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.
Robert Rivard argues that cities and counties are left trying to solve the problems caused by a generation of indifference from Texas' state leadership.
Lone Star Q provides video of Wendy Davis discussing her support of same sex marriage to the San Antonio Express-News editorial board.
Concerned Citizens warns about the animus hiding behind religious exemptions.
Better Texas explains why a higher minimum wage is good for Texans.
Grits for Breakfast highlights the modern equivalent to the Dallas Buyers Club.
Nonsequiteuse gets to the heart of the Nugent/Abbott affair.
Greg Wythe continues his in-depth look at how the voter ID law was enforced in the 2013 election in Harris County.
Burkablog celebrates what would have been Barbara Jordan's 78th birthday.
Chris Quintero witnessed and videotaped two Austin Police Department officers detain and arrest a female jogger for jaywalking and not immediately identifying herself (see here for more).
And Swamplot makes us all feel old by taking a look at the house from Reality Bites, 20 years later.
Off the Kuff analyzes the turnout issue for Democrats in 2014.
WCNews at Eye on Williamson on the Round Rock members of the Lege reporting to the local business lobby, while leaving out the issues that matter most to the people in their districts, in Schwertner, Gonzales, & Dale Go To The Chamber.
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is appalled at Texas Republicans holding a faux hearing on women's health care. Give it up. Republicans have waged a real war against women and their health care. You're not fooling anyone.
It's Ted Nugent's (Texas Republican) party, and we just have to live with it, noted the Texas Observer -- and excerpted by PDiddie at Brains and Eggs. But there were also problemas grandes para Dan Patrick last week.
Texpatriate endorses John Whitmire in the Democratic primary for State Senate District 15.
Neil at All People Have Value was prompted by a visit to Galveston to reflect that we can choose to view ourselves in life on the mainland, on an island or at sea. All People Have Value is part of
And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.
Robert Rivard argues that cities and counties are left trying to solve the problems caused by a generation of indifference from Texas' state leadership.
Lone Star Q provides video of Wendy Davis discussing her support of same sex marriage to the San Antonio Express-News editorial board.
Concerned Citizens warns about the animus hiding behind religious exemptions.
Better Texas explains why a higher minimum wage is good for Texans.
Grits for Breakfast highlights the modern equivalent to the Dallas Buyers Club.
Nonsequiteuse gets to the heart of the Nugent/Abbott affair.
Greg Wythe continues his in-depth look at how the voter ID law was enforced in the 2013 election in Harris County.
Burkablog celebrates what would have been Barbara Jordan's 78th birthday.
Chris Quintero witnessed and videotaped two Austin Police Department officers detain and arrest a female jogger for jaywalking and not immediately identifying herself (see here for more).
And Swamplot makes us all feel old by taking a look at the house from Reality Bites, 20 years later.