Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What the problems really are

Like Greg, I have some election-related things to do that will preclude both the advocacy and the acidity of the blogging here for a few days.  I'll be dumping some links in (because I'll still have time to read), but alas, you'll have to draw your own conclusions.  Mostly.

How Obamacare Will Save The Federal Government $190 Billion

The only presidents who have reduced the debt in the past 68 years all happened to be Democrats, and they worked mostly with Democratic Congresses.  If the Tea Party were really concerned about deficits, they wouldn't be voting for Republicans.

Their complaints aren't actually about debt or deficits, as we all know.  We don't have a spending problem.  America is not going broke.

We're being robbed.

If Corporate Profits Are at an All-Time High, Why Are Corporate Taxes Near a 60-Year Low?

Business profits are escaping U.S. corporate income taxes in three big ways. First, business is literally moving away from the U.S., as multinational companies have expanded abroad. Second, large companies are wise to the tricks they can use to move income through foreign subsidiaries that avoid America's high statutory rate. Third, smaller companies are finding ways to avoid corporate taxes, altogether.

Tied together, right before our eyes, is the concern Americans -- but not Congress -- have about both jobs and deficits.  And if Republicans wanted to cut "entitlements" (sic), then they could make those same corporate buddies give everybody at the bottom a raise.

Half of Fast Food Workers Need Public Aid

Minimum Wage: Lowest in 50 Years

Paying working folks a livable wage helps everyone, but it's been nine years -- and nine Congressional pay raises -- since the minimum wage was last increased.

Thankfully, people are starting to wake up to the fact that the Congress is the problem.